Mixed Foursomes Played in the Heat

A very warm Spring day greeted the 22 participants in the 2023 Mixed Foursomes Championships.

The scoring was pretty hot as well!

3 teams finished within two shots of each other for the overall gross and the nett event results were also close.

The winners of the 2023 Mixed Foursomes are Kelley Greaves and Ron Chilby with 133 off the stick.

The nett winners were Linda Kirwan and Larry Kent with 102.75.

Balls went to Bruce Roberton & Leesa Swan and to Bruce Byers & Kay Brennan both teams with nett scores of 105.75.

Congratulations to our new champions and thank you to all other teams for participating in this very fun event.

The next Sunday Mixed event will be held on October 29 with a 2 ball aggregate event.

Mens Foursomes Championship will be held on Saturday October 28. Time to be planning your two person team!

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