Annual Report from the President 2022-2023

Presidents Report

While we exited the impact of Covid restrictions our fortunes continued to be adversely affected by extreme and prolonged wet weather, and floods.  This 249-day period between 21/2/22 and 29/10/22 saw just 68 days when some form of golf was played.  During this period there was no social golf and all bar six of those 68 days were walking only, generally on a shortened course on wet and boggy ground. Five months of this wet period fell within the reporting period for this financial year.

During this period there was little or no reduction in overheads (wages, cart lease rentals etc.) but little to no income which primarily accounts for this year’s adverse financial outcome, a loss of $45,386, so an entirely understandable result.

We finished the year with 518 members down 43 on the previous years result.  Again, this was understandable with lack of, or limited access to, the course over this prolonged wet period.  There were many months where we had few if any new member applications with the shop and course closed.  Inevitably at the end of every financial year there is a percentage of members who for various reasons decide not to renew their membership.

One target of our member retention program is to assist our older members with a loyalty discount.  Anecdotally, this appears to be working effectively with our older members (80 years and over who have been continuous members for ten or more years getting a sizeable discount, so that renewal is hopefully less of a “will I or wont I, I hardly play anymore” decision.  The decision to end or continue this loyalty discount is a matter for the Board to review each year, but it has been continued for 23/24.

We have recently initiated a monthly volunteer working bee (last Friday of each month).  The two held thus far have been a great success with roughly 20 members on each occasion giving up a half day to assist on these days.  The focus initially has been on the gardens, but will address other maintenance and repair work as needed.

Some thank you’s from me that are all truly deserved:

Firstly, my hard-working Board for their commitment and contribution in 2022/23 year.  In particular, Honorary Secretary Bob Neilson, Captain Dave Ransom, Geoff Wilson our Treasurer, and Vice President Kim Oborn.  Thank you all for your service.

To all our other Board members Larry, Col, Pat, and Shane thank you for all the good ideas, healthy debate, and good humour and for shouldering a share of the workload.  Ladies President Pam Middlebrook, while sitting outside the Board, has regularly attended our Board meetings and is a wonderful contributor to those meetings and to the Club in general.

A special mention for our tireless Club Captain Dave Ransom who is stepping down from the Captain’s role after just 12 years.  A great contribution Dave, and it is greatly appreciated that you are remaining on the Board and will assist Larry in his role as incoming Club Captain.

At the time of writing this report Director Shane Townsend was still considering whether to nominate again.  If not standing Shane for 23-24 thank you Shane for your time and effort.

Additionally, our Board and members are truly grateful to the work of our many volunteers, in particular the shop starters who were in the front line throughout the pandemic, ensuring the club remained open for business.  I would in particular like to thank Peter Young for his coordination of the starters and being the backstop who plugs any gaps in the roster, trains new starters, implements technology change, and undertakes stocktakes among a myriad of other tasks.  Thank you one and all.

Thanks also to our dedicated staff who are all a pleasure to work with.  The office staff do a wonderful job, thank you Linda, Marie, and Joan.  Our greens staff Nick, Brendan, Warren, Shaun, Hamish and Keelan.  Thank you, guys, your efforts through the tough times in particular has been greatly appreciated. It should also be noted that for a part of the year our greens staff have been under staffed due to several departures and a prolonged workers compensation absence/light duties period.  The Board has intentionally not replaced those staff losses as a deliberate budget repair mechanism.

Unfortunately, we have had to farewell our two apprentices Hamish and Keelan as well as long term ‘jack of all trades’ Warren Duncan.  Warren has been a great asset with his electrical mechanical fitter qualifications, and thankfully he is still available to assist us on a casual basis.

Thanks also to Sue Paul who despite the weather disruptions continues to contribute in her role as Footgolf Coordinator and in numerous other ways.  There are many others who contribute to the Clubs operations. Thank you all.

My apologies if I have overlooked anyone.

I also wish to recognise the wonderful generosity of our many sponsors, in particular major sponsors Oaks Automotive (Steve Oppert), Elders Real Estate (Viv Marris), Just Bathrooms (John Anthony), Cleary Bros Concrete, DP Electrics, and SolarBlu.  I encourage our members to direct any business they may have towards our club sponsors.

Roll Call

With sadness we had to farewell a number of members who have passed away since the last AGM.  Significantly, Betty Chittick OAM, Life Member, former Club President, Treasurer, long term Secretary and director since the club’s inception in 1981. Also, Mick Bartlett, Tony McCrae, Warwick Tomlins, Paul Tucker, Lew Dare and Golfie the Club Cat.  My apologies if I have over looked anyone from this list.

Audit Report

As the auditor’s report will detail, it has been another unfortunate year financially with a loss of $45,386 to follow the loss last year of $127,255 in 2021/22.  Thankfully, we started this horrendous two-year period with very healthy financial reserves and are still in great shape. The loss is explainable, and was due entirely to circumstances totally beyond the Board’s control.


Our membership numbers (472 in 2017, 464 in 2018, 428 in 2019, 398 in 2020, 536 in 2021, and 561 in 2022) have declined to 518 as of 31 May 2023. That loss continued to trend down beyond the period subject to this report but appears to now be steadily recovering.  

My congratulations to our men and lady champions and representative teams for their participation and the manner in which they represent our club (details below in the reports of our Captain and Ladies President).

The 21-22 Year in Summary

  • Financial result of $45,386 Loss.
  • Member numbers dropped by 43 to 518 (May 2022 to May 2023)
  • An enormous amount of work has been invested into the development of a Masterplan for the Club.  Local retired architect and club member Terry Graham is assisting Bob Neilson, Geoff Wilson, and myself with the development of this document.  This work was handed to a specialist consulting team (environmental planning, engineering, architectural, landscaping) who are developing a “Staged Development Application” which will be lodged with Kiama Council.

    We endeavoured to negotiate the acquisition of the 4th hole lease area from Club Jamberoo.  Unfortunately, Club Jamberoo is unwilling to part with that land, so the Board has determined to proceed with the plan on the basis that that land will no longer be available to us beyond 30 September 2025, at the expiry of the current lease other than under a new lease. Should Club Jamberoo change their mind before we have invested beyond a point of no return, then acquisition would still be an option.

    Addressing flood-related damage to the 16th Retaining Wall is a component of this plan.

  • Jim Butts shed was so seriously damaged by white ants that it had to be demolished.
  • Roof of the rental property has been replaced.
  • A flood recovery grant of $7,500 received from GolfNSW.
  • Tomra Return and Earn machine re-installed.
  • Solar system replaced and upgraded.
  • New Dishwasher purchased and installed.
  • New Barbeque purchased and installed.
  • New Book Shelves purchased and installed.
  • New scorecards and membership cards
  • Shop air conditioning unit replaced.
  • Council approval gained for removal of Box Elders along the 5th fairway (a work in progress).
  • Monthly Working Bees commenced building on the Jamberoo spirit of volunteering.
  • Get into Golf programs successfully run and Champagne 9 a huge success with our golf beginners program.
  • Web Page Freshened up.
  • The first of what will be an annual Memorial Day to remember our departed members.  Additionally, we have installed a number of memorial bench seats to receive memorial plaques of those deceased.
  • Numerous other course improvements to paths, greens, tees etc.
  • The loyalty membership discount for those members over 80 years of age who have been members for 10 or more years has been continued.

The Year Ahead

Our focus needs to remain on continuous improvement of the course and revenue-related aspects associated with the club house facility as we drive to attract new members and encourage the return of former members, which will improve revenues and underpin the future success of the Club.

Completion and submission of a “staged Development Application” to Council.

Continue investigation of options to secure the provision of Professional Golf Services. 

Phil Hahn


Captain’s Report 2022-23

Dave Ransom

Again, I take great pleasure in representing the members of Jamberoo Golf Club as your Captain.

I would like to praise the efforts of our starters and both Marie and Linda in the Office and of vice-captain, Larry Kent, for their help and support throughout the year. I also give great admiration to all of our members who volunteer their time and efforts to support the club that we all love.

It has been joyful to see the continued growth in the numbers playing in our competitions, the support of our charity days and of those members who are prepared to sacrifice their personal time to represent the club in representative teams.

Our Mens Pennant teams performed admirably with the C Pennant team, under the capable leadership of Chris Leckey, reaching the final of the C Pennant only to suffer defeat in this match at Wollongong Golf Club. This continues the great efforts of this team over a decade or more of consistent and high-quality golf. The team should also be congratulated on winning back the ‘Town and Country Cup’ from Kiama GC in the annual C Pennant contest between the two clubs.

Both of our White Horse Cup teams performed well again with performances at the top of their respective divisions. Thank you to team captains, Larry Kent, and Shane Townsend.

Well played to all three teams.

The Women’s Pennant teams had an incredible year with two finishing runners up and one team third, almost winning the trifecta!

As I write the Trevor Bell Shield team are performing extremely well and are well placed to take out this prestigious Veterans competition.

Congratulations to our club champions and gold medalists.

2022 Champions – A grade Ben McEvoy, B Grade Paul Henderson, C Grade Vince Byrnes, Veterans Arthur Bosanquet.

Gold Medalists – A Grade Malcolm Hoy, B Grade Andrew Ball, C Grade Gregory Quigg.

Mixed Foursomes – Elizabeth Armstrong & Arthur Bosanquet.

Handicap Matchplay – Ken Bradley

Golden Putter – Ken Bradley

Barry Walker Shield – Robert Neilson

Thank you to all members who have supported me over the dozen tears of my tenure. It has been a great pleasure for me personally to share your hopes and aspirations and I am rewarded with your kind thoughts and friendship.

I hope to continue to serve the club in different ways heading into the future.

David Ransom


WOMEN’S GOLF – President’s Report 2022-23

Pam Middlebrook with Lorraine Cram

I begin my annual report by thanking the Womens’ Committee for their dedication and support over the last year. The committee comprising of Vice President Lyn Kuskey, Captain Judi O’Brien, Vice-Captain Del Brand, Secretary Marie Smith, Treasurer Gail Rutledge, Vet’s Delegate Lorraine Cram, and Welfare Officer Rhonda McKinley have done an outstanding job in their separate roles. I also wish to acknowledge the time and effort of the other committee members; Shirley Walsh, Shirley Dixon, Lorraine Southwell and Gloria Thompson. I am extremely proud of the team’s hard work throughout the year which has been rewarding, both financially and socially for the Club.

At the end of the financial year we had 94 women members, making up approximately ⅕th of Jamberoo Golf Club membership. This is a very pleasing statistic and I thank each of them for their contribution to our Club either as a player, worker, volunteer, or gardener.

The Women’s Committee has donated $2,000 towards the renovations (painting) of the clubhouse as well as buying a new PA system. Other items purchased were ‘red tees markers’ (to go with the new coloured flags) and four All-weather ‘NTP/D&P/Supershot kits’. Currently on order are new ‘Monthly Medal’ hat ball markers to update the previous brooches/pins.

Other, extra-curricular achievements to support the Club have included Pam Middlebrook’s completion of her “Community Golf Instructor” certificate which allows her to deliver the “Get Into Golf” program. Also, Lyn Kuskey has successfully updated her CPR training along with Nick Goodger & Brendan Armstrong who also completed their First Aid Certificates.

After some interrupted years, 2023 has seen the running of a ‘normal’ calendar of events with Pennants, Championships and Open Days all going ahead. Our Jamberoo Club has had some very large days hosting (94 participants at the WGI Open Day) which have been highly successful with positive outcomes for future events. Many of our members have actively represented Jamberoo, across the Illawarra and further afield, in both Matchplay and Scratch tournaments as well as Charity and Gala Days. This representation exposes the players to other courses but also encourages other clubs to visit our beautiful water course. Some successes have been achieved by: Pam Middlebrook – 36-hole winner – NSWVGA Seaside & Valley Tournament 2022 and Kim Oborn – Division 3 Champion – NSWVGA Matchplay Championships 2023.

In the WGI Pennants Competition 2023, Jamberoo was represented in all three grades and were very competitive, each having the chance to take out the Championships if they won their final round match. Unfortunately, Gold finished 3rd and both the Silver and Bronze teams were runners-up. This is a great result from such a small club.

Women’s Championship Results 2022-2023

Foursomes Champions 2022 Gross: Liz Armstrong and Linda McGlinchey, Nett: Lyn Kuskey and Cheryl Smee. Club Champions 2023 – A Grade:  Gross: Liz Armstrong, Nett: Jenelle Anderson; B Grade – Gross: Lyn Kuskey, Nett: Gail Rutledge. C Grade – Gross: Barbara Costello, Nett: Gloria Thompson. Vets Women’s Champions 2023 – Gross: Marie Farrant; Nett: Tracey Watson.

Champagne 9, fondly referred to as the C9ers, has had a stellar year. This small group of “Get Into Golf” participants has multiplied since moving the timeslot to midday Saturday. A special thanks to Kris Morrison and David Sadd for promoting this program at their businesses. I would like to personally express my appreciation to Phil Hahn and Dave Ransom for supporting this initiative and allowing it to run during the Men’s competition. I also wish to acknowledge the time given by Marie Ransom co-ordinating handicap cards and prizes, Peter Young managing the starters and Geoff Wilson running the “Get Into Golf” clinics and stocking the bar. Our field numbers average 22, with over 57 players participating. Our overall contribution in green fees has been $8,600.

The JWGC also acknowledges and thanks the local businesses for their sponsorship Drummond Golf (Kris Morrison), Elders Real Estate (Viv Marris), IGA Jamberoo and member, Kelley Greaves. Their financial support is most appreciated.

Sadly, we would like to remember and recognise the role of our past Treasurer and Life Member – Betty Chittick by introducing a Perpetual Trophy for the ‘Most Birdies’.

Last but not least, on behalf of the Women’s Committee, I wish to thank our Green Staff with Nick Goodger as the Course Superintendent who work tirelessly to make the course presentable, functional and in outstanding playing condition.

Once again, it has been a pleasure to work with the Board, the Staff, the volunteers and all our members. The opportunity to be a part of the vision of the Club and working around people setting achievable goals is truly inspiring.

Pam Middlebrook

JGC Women’s President

August, 2023


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