News from the Course – 11 April

Women’s Pennants Resume.

Good luck to our Womens Pennant teams for next Monday.

The Gold Pennant play their last match against Wollongong at Shoalhaven Heads.

The Silver Pennant play KIama at Shoalhaven Heads.

The Bronze play Callala at SHoalhaven Heads.

Clubhouse Works

The outside brick wall of the clubhouse below the new solar inverter has been patched and painted in a Dulux colour called “Winter Fog”. This could be the colour of a repainted clubhouse (with dark grey or charcoal trim). If members wish to make any any comment about the colour, please approach any Board member or send us an email.

Bob Neilson


Easter Long Weekend Results

Good FridayWinner: David Garcia  38 pts  2nd: Alan Jones 37 pts. Balls to 33 pts.

Easter Saturday 4BBB (individual results sent to golflink) – Winners: Colin Van Woerkom & April Van Woerkom  45 pts (c/b) 2nd:  Matt Tedeschi & Brian Aboozaid  45 pts 3rd: Patrick Sutton & Murray Cottam  44 pts  4th:  Shane Townsend & Alvin Ray  43 pts (c/b). Balls to 41 pts

Easter MondayWinner:  April Van Woerkom  42 pts  2nd: Bob Neilson 41 pts 3rd: Neil Lewis 39 pts    4th: Ken Holt  36 pts. Balls to 32 pts.

One thought on “News from the Course – 11 April

  1. I’d like to see the colour nice and bright Dulux Sea Mist with the winter fog as trim? It is quite dark on the deck area and the brighter colour would give it a nice lift and open it up! For me another grey is a bit drab ! Light Bright !

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