News from the Course

Womens Golf Illawarra Pennants

Results from Gold Pennants 3rd April vs PortLinks at Wollongong.

Elizabeth Armstrong lost 3/2

April van Woerkom lost 2 up

Judi O’Brien lost 5/3

Kay Brennan won 4/2

Pam MIddlebrook won 5/3

This leaves Gold team equal first with one round to be played.

Silver Pennants had a bye.

Bronze Pennants had a wash out with no play.

Thanks to all who helped with the Silver bye – getting all the teams out on the course and preparing the lunches for all. Well done.

Good luck to all pennant teams for 17th April.

Judi O’Brien

VETERANS NEWS – Trevor Bell Shield

On Monday 3 April, the first round of the 2023 Trevor Bell Memorial Shield competition was held at Kiama Golf Club. The TBMS is an inter club veterans competition where each Veterans group in the Illawarra Veteran Golfers Assoc. enter a team of eight players and the best six stableford scores are aggregated each round through to the end of the competition.

After round one, Jamberoo (192 pts) is in 3rd place behind Links SC (198) and Kiama (196). In the individual competition, Phil Gosling (36 pts) was 4 th on c/b and also picked up a nearest the pin.

The match was played in fine and calm conditions except for about 15 mins of rain.

Jamberoo team for the day was Larry Kent, Geoff Reynolds, Ian Unsworth, Phil Gosling, Peter Francis, Mal Hoy, Don Thompson and  Alan Jones. Well done fellows.

The next round is at The Links Shell Cove on 8 May followed by Jamberoo on 8 June.

Lance Fredericks

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