News from Jamberoo GC

Loose Golf Balls Around the Course

Lately I have been receiving complaints from members about other players unwittingly (I hope) picking up a ball or playing the wrong ball.

During competition play if you see a golf ball just lying there DON’T PICK IT UP.

AND always check that it is your ball before you hit it.

It may well be the ball of another player in the comp. Pick up that ball and the owner will suffer a stroke and distance penalty for a lost ball, wrecking their round.

As a general rule, in competitions, leave any loose ball where it is.

Some of our members can hit prodigious distances and hit balls to where you may not suspect them.

Men’s Pennant Season Commences

Thank you to OAKS AUTOMOTIVE for their continued support of our Men’s Pennant teams.

Round 1 of the Men’s Pennants proved to be successful for our Jamberoo teams.

The C Pennant team, playing at home, were victorious against the Links Shell Cove 4 matches to 1 and the White Horse Cup division 1, the Magpies, playing at Moss Vale against St George’s Basin, tied their match 3.5 each.

White Horse Cup Division 1

Magpie Captain, Larry Kent, was very pleased with his team’s performance and reported that every player played well against a very good opposition with their well balanced line-up.

Rob Young won 2/1

Alan Jones lost on the 18th

Matt Ross lost 3/1

Larry Kent won 3/1

Jeff Draper won 6/5

Don Thompson squared his match gaining the important 1/2 point for the team

Phil Gosling went down 4/3.

A tough match and a very good start to the season.

C Pennant Division 1

Team Captain Chris Leckey reports:

Jamberoo golf club was in pristine condition for the opening game of the season. This year’s team is made up of a combination of experience and some very good new team members on low handicaps who are all keen to win this pennant.

Results went this way...

Ken Bradley won 4/3

Mal Hoy won 4/3

Chris Leckey won 9/7

Pat Paris won 5/3

Wayne Griffiths lost 2 down

Can we beat Links Shellcove on their turf next week? ……we will certainly be trying.

Our other team members are Tom Zimmerman, Graeme Ricketts and Bob Neilson.

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