Vet’s Update

Vet’s News

Thursday, 18th April saw the begining of our Vets Interclub Comps.

21 Jamberoo Vets played host to 14 golfers from Nowra & 1 from Gibralter.

The weather stayed fine untill the second last hole of the shotgun start event, when it started to rain.
With only 36 starters (quite a few dropping out on the morning) we had just the one grade.

1st place went to Nowra’s Kevin Longford with 39 points.
2nd place was James Oldman from Gibralter with 38 points on a c/back from our Richard Hoskins.
The Nearest the Pin and the Drive & Pitch went to Nowra’s D.Goodman & Peter Done respectively.

We once again have talked about a Trophy for this Competition, as we have with Saint George’s Basin & Mollymook, so watch this space.

Monday,13th May we are to travel by car to Mollymook.
Barry Walker & Ian Boles will be away at this time so Neville Hutchins will
be organising the details.

The sheet is in the vets folder with the details.

contact at Mollymook is Laurie Hayes, 4456144

Regards Ian.

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