If you wish to play fill in clipboard at the starters area or ring 42360404. Need a partner we will find you one.

Jamberoo Golf Club has successfully raised $100,000 for Camp Quality over a period of 21 years.

This year a Four Person Las Vegas Ambrose game for men and ladies will be played on Tuesday 22nd October. It is to be a day of fun with plenty of novelty events and lunch included in the cost of $20.00.

Your donation to our day will greatly assist this worthy cause. All monies raised supports families in our local area.

If you wish to be a sponsor, for taxation purposes, invoices and receipts can be issued for amounts of $40 or more.

Sponsors can be assured advertising will be displayed at the Pro Shop and lounge room on and before our day. You are most welcome to enter a team and you can register by phoning the ProShop on 42360404

Camp Quality is the Children’s family charity that brings optimism and happiness to the lives of children and families affected by cancer.


For further information contact Rose Sheath on 42 321412 or 0428899236.

Yours sincerely

Ladies Camp Quality Committee.


Mens Championship–New Arrangements

New Arrangements for the playing of the Jamberoo Golf Club Mens Championships

Saturday 14th of September, round 2 postponed.


The weather gods have been unkind to us again with a flash flood making two greens unplayable and causing president Lance Fredericks to cancel the playing of the second round of the club championships.  This has left the match committee to rearrange the playing of the championships.

It has been decided to replay round 2 on Saturday 21st of September. This will now be a stroke round for all members. There will no longer be a round on Sunday 22nd of September which reverts to social play.

The third round will be played on Saturday 28th of September. All participating members will play in this stroke round. The scheduled stableford event will be cancelled.

Competitions for the October labour day long weekend will be played as normal.

The fourth and final round of the championship will be played on Saturday 12th of October in conjunction with the October monthly medal. The top players in each grade will again be seeded to play together in the fourth round. Unfortunately the playing of the Jamberoo Plate (a stableford event for those non-qualifiers) has been cancelled this year.

We thank you for your patience and understanding.

Dave Ransom, captain.

Foursomes. Mixed and Mens Results



Mixed Foursomes Championships

The Mixed Foursomes  Championship has been a feature of Jamberoo Golf Club since the club’s inception. The  match committee was determined that it should be held again this year.Poor weather conditions and course flooding had caused the event to be postponed on 2 occasions. The weather finally obliged and on Sunday 25th of August, twenty four competitors were greeted with perfect conditions on firm and fast greens.

The event was won by the multi-winning pairing of Linda McGlinchey and Adrian Gehrmann with a score of 127 gross on a countback from Bruce Byers and Kay Brennan. The pairing of Shirley Walsh and Neville Hutchins managed to take out the best nett score with 105.25 while Margaret Cook and Ron Chilby secured runners up with 107.75 over the 27 holes. Balls went to 109.25 nett.

An enjoyable day was had by all and well played to our winners.

Mens Foursomes Championships.

Well, if you thought the scores were close in the mixed then you should see how close they were in the Mens Foursomes. Sunday the 1st of September dawned under a cloudlesss sky and  superb  course  conditions. Several strong pairings were among the thirty two starters and it appeared that it would be a very keenly contested championship.

So it turned out to be with 3 pairings finishing on 111 gross over the 27 holes and another pair on 112. The Australian countback system was called into use to separate the groupings with Pat Paris and Steve Rippon winning from Adrian and Jarryd Gehrmann. The third pairing on 111 of Ray Orr and Paul Hazeltine were consoled with the best nett score of 96. Peter Francis and Tony McRae won the nett runners up prize with a sore of 97.5.

The nearest the pin on the ninth hole was won by Ian Bradburn in the first group of the day and balls went to 101.5 nett.

As an interested bystander I was very happy to see the strong camaraderie and club spirit exhibited by all competitors.

Well played to all competitors, and congratulations to our winners.

Dave Ransom, captain

PS:  The Mens Club Championships start next Saturday and with so many players in form in all grades I can’t wait! Good luck to you all.