News and Views 22 August

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New Board Announced

At the AGM held at the club last Wednesday the following members were announced as the 2019-2020 Board of Directors.

President               Phil Hahn

Vice-President      Chris Goodwin

Treasurer              Graham Ferris

Captain                  David Ransom

Vice-Captain         Larry Kent

Board member     Geoff Wilson

Board member     Patrick Paris

Board member     Colin Booth

Board member     Robert Neilson

As per the club Articles of Association the role of Secretary will be determined at the first Board of Directors meeting from amongst the available Directors.

President Phil welcomed the new Board highlighting the many important challenges the upcoming year will present.

Phil was also warm in his praise of outgoing Directors, Sue Paul, Stuart Potter and Paul Rodgers. He thanked them for their important and outstanding service and contribution over many years to the members of the club.

Ladies AGM

Notice is hereby given that the Ladies Annual General Meeting will be held after golf on Tuesday 10th of September.

Course Update

The dry spell continues and with the westerly winds the fairways and greens have become quite firm. In preparation for the upcoming growth season the greens maintenance program continues with weekly dusting. The tee watering system is being upgraded with new, more effective sprinkler heads while repairs are made to the infrastructure.

Members are requested not to drive motorised carts, both single seated or 2 seated, onto the tees or to walk their push-buggies onto the tees as well.

Please repair your divot holes on tees and fairways and any other unfilled divots as well. A simple measure to help maintain the condition of the course.

Similarly please look for and repair pitch marks on greens.

Due to wear and tear the drop zone to the north of the second green will be moved to a new position to the east of its current position in the next week.

Men’s Matchplay

Individual Matchplay Results

The two finalists have been determined in the 2019 Matchplay Championship:

Col Booth will play Ron Hewson in what should be an excellent matchup between two very exceptional players. Will Ron’s superb short game be able to counteract the ‘Saint’s’ matchplay game plan and tactics?

In earlier rounds Col has defeated Cowpat team-mate Shane Townsend 2/1, 2017 champion, Ken Bradley 1 up, and Trevor Belll Shield captain Chris Goodwin 4/2. Ron has reached the final with good wins over Martin Perry on the 18th, White Horse Cup Magpies captain Larry Kent on the 19th and last year’s champion Pat Paris 2up.

Congratulations to both players on reaching the final and may the best player win.

Full 2019 Individual Matchplay Results

Fourball Matchplay Results

The Fourball Matchplay has reached the semi-final stage where Chris Leckey & Bob Wright will take on Shane Townsend & Tim Young in the first semi-final and Anthony Smith & Boyd Sylvester will vie against Pete Munro & Ron Hewson in the other.

Chris and Bob have had good fortune having reached the semi-finals without being tested. A first round bye followed by a late withdrawal has seen them progress. Shane and Tim have not had it so easy having won two very competitive matches against Martin & Doug Perry and then against Steve Rippon & John Anthony. Anthony and Boyd had a first round bye then won against Pat Paris and Brian Nicoll in a very tough match. It took Pete Munro and Ron Hewson 21 holes to defeat Wayne Griffiths and Pete Francis in the closest game of the season and thus keep Ron’s hopes of the double still alive.

Both matches should be close run affairs. Good luck to all the teams.

Full Fourball Results

The Week Result’s in Review

Windy again for most of the week and if not windy then wintry! Despite the conditions some excellent rounds were played. Last Saturday, president Phil Hahn led the field home with an impressive 38 points, apparently, by all reports, even pulling up over the last three holes.

It was blowing a gale on Monday and Russell Vale veteran Mal Smith survived the best to record 34 points and win.

The weather was cold on Tuesday but the golf was hot for the Ladies Canadian Foursomes. Judi O’Brien combined with Julie Simpson to win by 5 with a score of 71.5.

C Graders showed the rest how to play in the wind on Wednesday with John Hol beating Don Thompson on a countback with 38 points. Next best score on the day was Jake Willoughby with 36 points in B grade.

Finally Harry Osman took out the Kingsford Nine with 17 points.

Wednesday 21st August 2019 – Men’s Stableford 

A Grade Winner:   Steve Rippon  30 pts

B Grade Winner:   Jake Willoughby  36 pts   2nd:   Chris Goodwin 34 pts

C Grade Winner:   John Hol  38 pts (c/b)

D Grade Winner:   William Perry  32 pts

Tuesday 20th August 2019 – Ladies Canadian Foursomes 

Winners:   Judi O’Brien & Julie Simpson  71.5 nett   Runners Up:   Lisa Bell & Margaret Chaffey  76.75 nett

Monday, 19th August 2019 – Veterans – Stableford 

Winner Mal Smith 34 Pts (RV)

Saturday 17th August 2019 – Men’s Stableford – One Grade Day

Winner:   Phil Hahn 38 pts   2nd:   Dave Ransom 37 pts (c/b)   3rd:   Lew Dare 37 pts (c/b)   4th:   Brian Nicoll 37 pts (c/b)   5th:   Robert Weir  37 pts

Ladies Stableford Winner:      Lisa Bell 35 pts

Friday 16th August 2019 – Kingsford Nine

Winner:   Harry Osman 17 pts

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