Jamberoo Pennant Teams clean sweep

JAMBEROO GOLF CLUB pennant teams had a great day Sunday with all three victorious.

B Pennant beat Shoalhaven Heads at Worrigee, C Pennant defeated Gerringong at Kiama and the White Horse Cuppers beat Wollongong at Jamberoo.

Match Reports:

B PENNANT – Round 2

The B Pennant team made it two out two with a 3.5 to 1.5 win against Shoalhaven Heads.

Adrian Bell 5&4 Win

Paul Hazeltine 6&5 Win

Tom Persson 1up Win

Jarryd Buckley Even

Matt Bell 2&1 Loss

Other results were –

Shellharbour Links beat Nowra 5 – 0

Worrigee beat Kiama 3 – 2

Vincentia had the Bye

Matt Bell – having his 1st hit out in the competition went down 2 and 1 after finding the slippery greens of Worrigee a tad tricky.

Jarryd Buckley – having his 1st hit out in the competition came away with a Draw, although a little wayward, Jarryd never gave in and fought hard to come away with an important .5 point.

Tom Persson – Struggled early on and soon found himself 2 down but never went away and finally Birdied the 15th and 18th to take the win 1 up.

Paul Hazeltine – Continued his great early season form with a resounding 6 and 5 win after mastering the slick putting surfaces and dropping a hole after an abnormally large Crow was seen taking flight with his ball mid round, Paul being the professional he is did not waver and refused to let the incident deflect from his goal of victory.

Adrian Bell – Was again at his commanding best with a great 5 and 4 victory. Being 4 up after 4 Adrian’s drive for victory was stalled on the 5th when again the giant Crow known by many names including ‘the Dark Knight’ but more commonly as ‘the beast of Worrigee’  removed a perfectly driven ball from the fairway. A lesser man may have faulted here but not our No.1 – he just continued his charge to victory.

Also a big thankyou to Ray Orr for making the journey down and providing great support to his Team mates and knowledge of the course which proved invaluable on the day and of course a much appreciated thankyou to Manager Lance Fredricks whose support and presence was an asset to all.

Next match will be played at Vincentia against Kiama with hit off at 8.40am.

Tom Persson

C PENNANT Round 1 v Gerringong at Kiama played on 10/2/13

The C Pennant is off and running with a very impressive win against the Gerringong Club, 4 matches to 1.

Wins were recorded by:

Tom Zimmerman 1 up;

Tim Young 3/2;

Chris Leckey 6/4;

Draws were recorded by Peter Francis and Dave Ransom.

Peter again showed his true grit squaring the last hole from amongst the trees.  A superb ‘up and down’ on 18 capping an excellent match for ‘BP’.

Tom, coming home early this year from his spa at Port, looked in trouble when he bunkered his approach at the last. Tom found some ‘cougar’ spirit and blasted out to one metre which secured a great victory.

Chris Leckey, the new skip of the team, led from the front with an excellent performance. No shot was impossible for ‘the hat’ today, even running some of them through the bunkers! A great debut Chris and well played mate.

Tim Young, making his pennant debut for the club, played a ‘Super’ match and won comfortably 3/2. Tim seemed to be rifling them down the middle of the fairways and swooped on any mistake his gallant opponent made. Well played Tim, I feel this might be the first of many wins.

Dave Ransom was extremely lucky to square his match, scoring a double bogey on the last after finding his ball buried in the mulga. Somehow his opponent 3 putted from 2 metres to gift away a win. Arthur ‘Boz’ Bosanquet, experiencing pennant play for the first as well, was superb as a caddy today and managed to get Dave home somehow. Arthur will be making his debut next week, so watch out!

It was also good to see Ron Chilby supporting the team, and we look forward to his debut next week as well.

Finally, the team wish to thank President Lance for his kind sponsorship of the match balls.

Dave Ransom



Inspired by the Yoda-like presence of new captain Mick Carr, the White Horse Cup squad had an impressive 3/2 win against Wollongong at home in what was their first outing of the year.

With a number of new faces in the squad this year, Captain Carr brought everyone together with a rousing pre-game address.

“Play the man not the course. If he f**ks up with the driver, take out a six-iron,” was the extent of the discourse.

Though not all of the team members had heard all those words before – particularly one of the words – the captain’s inspirational demeanour seemed to do the trick.

Carr led the way, winning his match 6/5, Warren Joannou won 5/4 and Brian O’Hare also had a 5/4 victory.

Tony McRae struck a Wollongong player having a red letter day, going down 6/4, while number one on the day Andrew Craddock had a hard fought match, eventually going down 2/1.

The team play Bowral at Wollongong next week and will strive to keep the winning form going.

The match report next week will come directly from Captain Carr.

“Tact and diplomacy, that’s what I major in,” he warned.

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