B Pennant win Round 1 at the Links Shell Cove

THE pennant season is off and running and the B pennant side has started with an impressive win, 3-2, against Vincentia.

Captain Tom Persson reports that It was an awful day weather wise, with intermittent rain, strong wind gusts, just plain unpleasant! However great play by Adrian, Paul and Pete brought the side home.


Adrian Bell won 6&5

Paul Hazeltine won 4&3

Pete Munro won 4&3

Ray Orr lost 3&2

Tom Persson lost 4&3

Well played, we look forward to an equally impressive performance next week against Shoalhaven Heads at the Worrigee Links.

The White Horse Cup squad have their first game next Sunday (February 10) against Wollongong at Jamberoo. The round was moved from The Grange because of damage to that course, giving the cuppers a welcome home ground advantage.

2 thoughts on “B Pennant win Round 1 at the Links Shell Cove

  1. Well done Team. Keep up the good work. All the best, not only to you gents, but to the other Pennant players for 2013.
    Keep them straight Tom.(or is that George…….lol).
    Regards: Ron Hewson.

    1. Thanks Ron, certainly could have used your advice at Vincentia (George was out in force and not just a movie, more like a TV series) anyway we’re still going strong alot of the guys are really puting in great efforts each week, thanks for your suupport, much appreciated.

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