News from the Course – August 11

Hole 1 .3

Mixed Foursomes Championship

The Mixed Foursomes is an Honour Board event played over 27 holes in the alternate shot format. This year it is set down to be played on Sunday August 19.

The timesheet is available in the golf shop so please enter the names of your teammate and yourself as soon as you can to avoid missing out on that good time spot.

2019 New Rules of Golf

January 1 sees the new rules being introduced. Under the changes there will only be 24 rules compared to the present 34. One such change is the time allowed to look for a lost or missing ball.

The 5 minute golf ball search time has been scrapped. From 1st Jan 2019, golfers will be allowed only 3 minutes to search for a strayed golf ball.

Golf’s governing bodies are also encouraging ready golf in stroke play and recommend golfers take no longer than 40 seconds over a shot.

Read more by clicking here

photo courtesy of Golf Monthly

2019 Rule: Players will continue to drop a ball when taking relief, but the dropping procedure will be changed in several ways as detailed in Rule 14.3:

  • The focus of the dropping procedure will be on a specific “relief area” set by the Rule under which relief is being taken and will be either one or two club-lengths from a reference point (and may have certain other limitations).
  • The ball will need only to be dropped in and come to rest in the relief area; and there will be no re-drop requirement if the dropped ball accidentally hits a person or object after hitting the ground but before coming to rest in the relief area.
  • If the dropped ball comes to rest outside the relief area, it will be dropped a second time; if it comes to rest outside the relief area after being dropped a second time it will be placed where it first touched the ground.
  • If the placed ball will not come to rest on that spot after two attempts, the player will then place the ball on the nearest spot (not nearer the hole) where it will come to rest.

Reasons for Change:

The new procedure will mean there will be greater consistency across all relief procedures, making it simpler for players to know where and how to drop a ball:

  • The new procedure when dropping with reference to a spot will be to drop a ball anywhere in a relief area measured one or two club-lengths from (but not nearer the hole than) that spot.

click here for a video illustrating the new dropping procedure


1. What is the Relief Area under the new Rules?

a.   A one club length area where the player may drop the ball

b.   One or two club length area where the player may drop the ball

c.    The area where the player must drop the ball

d.    An on course bathroom

2. A player’s ball is unplayable in a bunker. The player drops their ball outside the bunker, back-on-the-line, from the flag through where the ball lay in the bunker. Which is correct?

 The player incurs one penalty stroke

b   The player incurs two penalty strokes

c    The player cannot do this

3. A player’s ball lands near a hole made by a dog, such that the player must stand on the hole to play his or her next stroke. Is the player entitled to free relief?

a   The player is not entitled to free relief because the hole was not made by a burrowing animal

b   The player is not entitled to relief because the ball is not lying in the hole made by the dog

  The player is entitled to free relief

4. A player causes their ball to move on the putting green by accidentally bumping the ball with their putter. What is the correct action?

a    No penalty and you play the ball as it lies

b    No penalty and you replace the ball

c    One stroke penalty and you replace the ball

d    One stroke penalty and you play the ball as it lies

5. A ball that is to be dropped under the Rules may be dropped by the player, their partner or their caddie?


b   False

6. When measuring a Relief Area or taking any other action under the Rules that requires measuring, the player may use the longest club in their bag including their putter?

a    True

b    False

Nine Hole Event

On Thursday August 23 the club is running a “Play Nine” event at the club where you get the chance to actually play nine on the Saturday of the Australian Open, this year to be played in Sydney.

A time sheet is available in the golf shop for entries.

Weekly Chicken Run

While talking about nine-hole events, each week the club runs a “chicken run”. Prizes are vouchers and you can play as many times during the week as you like. What’s more, if you don’t win you get a bonus point to be used at a later time until you do win a prize!

Each round costs just $3.

Fathers Day Raffle

Tickets are available at the golf shop to enter the Fathers Day raffle.

Tickets are $2 each or 3 for $5.

First prize is a new golf bag and second prize a $50 IGA voucher and the raffle will be drawn at the clubhouse on Sunday 2nd September.

Support your club and buy a few tickets.

Latest Results

The winds have come back with a vengeance this week causing many challenges for the players and indeed the greenstaff. The winds were so strong on Tuesday the Ladies comp had to be reduced to a nine-hole affair with branches being disembodied from their trunks.

Despite the winds several players were able to master the conditions and record good scores. On Monday Phil Hahn managed an excellent 40 points to win A division in the veterans comp while Graham Kuskey fired an impressive 39 points to win B division. On Wednesday, Dave Connon shot a brilliant 42 points to win A division by 3 points from John Anthony, while Kevin O’Rourke and Mal Garrat both scored 40 points in C grade only for Kevin to win on a countback from the unlucky Mal. Graham Kuskey continued his good form from Monday to win D grade with 39 points on a countback from both Alan Broadhead and Rob Mitchell.

Saturday saw a nor-easter blow in and with the warmer conditions scoring was excellent. The two best were Al Thrower and Craig Arthur-Worsop with 41 pts. Other good scores recorded were by  Bill Hudson and Geoff Reynolds with 41 pts and Paul Rodgers, Lew Dare, Don Thompson all with 40 pts.

Here is the complete list of this week’s winners.

Saturday 11th August 2018 – Stableford

A Grade Bill Hudson 41pts

B Grade Geoff Reynolds 41 pts, 2nd Paul Rodgers 40 pts cb 3rd Lew Dare 40 pts

C Grade Al Thrower 42 pts, 2nd D Thompson 40 pts

D Grade Graig Arthur-Worsop 42 pts

Ladies Loiuse Stoddart (PK) 37 pts

Eagle Steve Rippon 12th

Wednesday 8th August 2018 – Mens Stablefold

A Grade Winner:   Dave Connon 42 pts   2nd:   John Anthony 39 pts

C Grade Winner:   Kevin O’Rourke 40 pts (c/b)   2nd:   Mal Garratt 40 pts

D Grade Winner:   Graham Kuskey 39 pts (c/b)

Tuesday 7th August 2018 – 9 Hole Stroke

Div 1 Winner: Shirley Walsh 34 nett  Runner Up: Shirley Dixon  35 nett

Div 2 Winner: Cheryl Legge 33.5 nett   Runner Up: Marlene Trethowan 34.5 nett

9 Hole Stableford Winner: Annette Young   14 pts  Runner Up: Margaret Chaffey  10 pts

Hairdressers Trophy:  Annette Young

Monday, 6th August 2018 – Veterans – Stableford

A Grade Winner Phil Hahn   40 Pts 2nd Greg Seymour    38 Pts (C/b)  3rd Bruce Michie  (LSC) 38 Pts

B Grade Winner  Graham Kuskey   39 Pts  2nd Bob Crooks    38 Pts  3rd  David Newton   36 Pts

Quiz answers 1 C  2 B  3 C  4 B  5 B  6 B

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