White Duck Cup Charity Day


The annual White Duck Charity Golf Day will be held at the club on Thursday 23rd of March. The format of the day will be 4 person Ambrose with a shotgun start at 8.30 am with a lunch to be provided after at the bowling club.

Why not get a team together and join in the fun and help an important cause at the same time? We will be supporting Junior Diabetes Research as our charity this year.

Cost is $40 per player which includes your game of golf, prizes on the day and meal.

The entry form is available at the golf shop. Please enter your team on the list in the golf shop or if you are without a team we can find one for you.

click here for poster [white-duck-poster]

7 thoughts on “White Duck Cup Charity Day

  1. Hi capt. just need to no why the best team on any given day on a ambrose event why that team isn’t awarded the best scratch score for a prize voucher rather than a ball. I’m sure a scratch result prize would encourage more A grade handicappers to play and maybe we will have an A pennant team again just like I tried 10 years ago. I’m still open for suggestions on how we can achieve a positive outcome on this. Cheers Steve Oppert

  2. Good to see you are still interested. When will we see you on the course again?
    We are slowly introducing scratch prizes into our comps. It was difficult
    last Saturday to have a special scratch prize as we only had 17, 4 man pairs.
    It seems that any time we run a team event or par competition then some members decide to play elsewhere and not support their club. Its stableford or stroke only for them. I have taken notice.
    As for individual events with a team event in conjunction we are limited by the numbers in our comps to run a ball comp on these days as well as pay for prizes. I am open to suggestions.

  3. Hi Members..I still think that prizes do attract golfers..Have heard not only from our members, but other sources about prizemoney from other clubs.So I do agree with Steve.Traditionally golf is about getting our handicaps down, and many say it’s not about prizemoney. But believe me, money speaks all languages, otherwise our club would not be asking for a levy to improve walkways etc around the course..I personally think the $1.00 levy would be better put into increased prizemoney…Therefore more starters….Therefore more revenue for club…Possibly more members….Again more revenue…Not a big % of members read Cow so why not put to a membership vote in starters shed for all starters on some issues…As for ambrose events,,,they are good on charity days…as many players still do not play within the rules…Golf is a simple game.We must not complicate it. This is why our members travel to Shoalhaven Heads when these events are on..Multilpier, 4 Ball events with singles in conjunction I would think would be a more viable proposition..SORRY TO BE SO LONG WINDED..

  4. Always nice to read your comments Ron.
    I believe we have 318 people reading the daily cow and its facebook equivalent. As for the idea of putting the survey up on the noticeboard. Good idea. I actually did that this time and left it up for two weeks. Only 3 people bothered to respond in this way. 34 responded via the on-line survey so I will have to see if this is a fair, representative random sample size to make conclusions from.
    I am listening to your and others comments about team events and have replaced next weeks with the monthly medal that was cancelled. The next team event is the Presidents v Captains day near Easter. It will have an individual in conjunction!
    You have to be careful in making the prizes too big as this can encourage some people to cheat and others to inflate their handicaps in a sharp way (or burgle).
    Perhaps we give out too many prizes over the 4 grades and the match committee will be looking at this. This year we have introduced a larger prize for overall first in stableford events as well as prizes for the other grades. I put this in the ‘cow’ and also on the notice board. I would be very interested in finding out how many know about this.
    Am I wasting my time and effort? I can’t tell everybody individually!
    Sorry about the length of my reply but you have raised some very important issues. Keep doing so.

  5. Hi Dave. I was unaware that it was advertised in the shop. So I apologise for my ignorance..Those Members reading the Daily Cow…again I didn’t realise that many were reading it.. And again some of our members do not realise the time and effort our committee people put in and their efforts are on many occasions are not recognised… Sometimes thankless acknowledgements..I do hope I am not harping too much..Just thought a few comments would not hurt…I know you guys enjoy your golf and do not want, or need to be harassed, especially when you are playing on the course, or get attacked when you have completed your rounds….Keep up the good work..

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