Jamberoo Ladies Golf Breast Cancer Day 2011

Ladies Breast Cancer Day 2011

JAMBEROO Ladies Golf Breast Cancer Day 2011 was held 12th July with 80 women playing to raise funds for breast cancer research.

Ladies from Kiama, The Grange, Bowral, Shoalhaven Heads, The Links Shellharbour and Glenmore Heritage Valley Golf Club played a 4BBB Stableford.

We were blessed to have a lovely sunny day after the windy weather. Everyone wore pink, and John Keeling our starter decorated the carts and posts with pink ribbons.

There were pink ribbons to buy to get out of trouble, and numerous prizes for the raffle.

John Duncan and greens staff decorated the course with a pink straight line on the 6th and John drew pink ribbons and pink ladies on the approaches to the 1st, 8th and 16th greens. A couple of years ago we purchased a set of pink flags, they were also placed on each hole.

The Presentation followed lunch in the Jamberoo Bowling Club. All the trophies and raffle prizes were donated by the women, and the new restaurant manager of the Bowling Club donated a voucher for the raffle. A few of our ladies were unable to attend and they generously donated money and prizes for the day.

The days event raised $1334 to go directly to the National Breast Cancer Foundation.

Betty Chittick said the event was initially organised five years ago to help raise awareness about breast cancer.

She estimated Jamberoo lady golfers have raised around $10,000 for the foundation since it began.

Marie Farrant

Ladies Club Captain

A full house at the Ladies Golf Breast Cancer Day presentation

Jamberoo Golf Club Flood Appeal Day

PERFECT weather welcomed the 88 players for our Flood Appeal Day held Friday 24 June 2011 with the course condition nearly back to normal after the devastating floods.

The format for the day’s event was a 4 x Person Ambrose and a good time was had by all with some very good scores returned. After the golf we all made our way to theJamberooHotelBeerGarden, where Ross, Erika and Jamie had arranged a lovely lunch and refreshments.

The presentation of trophies was conducted by President Lance, and it was nice to see the prizes spread around with a couple of excited newer Jamberoo ladies figuring in the awards.

Winning Teams were:

Mens :- Messrs Quennell, Rodgers, Hannan & Wilde.

Ladies :- L. Kentwell, C. Bell, D. Brynes & J. Vasic.

Mixed:- D. De Vries, J. Henry, S. Gentle & K. Ison.

Our thanks go to all our Sponsors especially Jamberoo Hotel , and all those who made donations.

We must also thank all the golfers who supported the day. Without you, the day would not have been a success.

Mike Harris

Vice President

Janice Vasic from Flinders with Colleen Bell from Bulli, Lauris Kentwell from Lake Illawarra and Debbie Byrnes from Mt Warrigal. Photos courtesy of Kiama Independent
Port kembla's Gail Hodges, Jenene Rimes, Phil Rimes and Brian Parker. Courtesy of Kiama Indpendent
Jamberoo's Di and Adrian Pittorino, Norbert and Lynne Beringer. Photo courtesy of Kiama Indpednent

No dampening the spirit at the 2010 Camp Quality Charity Day

High spirits and a table load of prizes at the Camp Quality Charity Day

IT WAS the first wet Jamberoo Ladies Camp Quality Charity Golf Day in 17 years and the rain gods certainly made up for it.

The rain was incessant and the course was looking more like a swamp but it still didn’t dampen the spirits of the 100 or so men and lady golfers who braved the conditions to take part in the 2010 event.

Not everyone finished 18 holes, or even nine. It might have been a bit of a nightmare for Marylyn Wright and the other organisers trying to sort out the results and prizes, but for all those taking part it was just fine.

With the entrance fees, raffle, auction, bbq and afternoon tea with lots of home-cooked goodies, $4, 290 was raised for the very worthwhile Camp Quality organisation and the children they do so much for.

Well done ladies.

Betty celebrates her 80th Birthday

Kiama Citizen of the Year Betty Chittick

Jamberoo Golf Club stalwart Betty Chittick celebrated her 80th Birthday on Wednesday September 8.
Typical of Betty, she spent part of her big day unselfishly working as a volunteer in the Jamberoo Golf Shop.
Betty, one of the foundation members of the club, was earlier this year the recipient of the Kiama Council Australia Day Citizen of the Year Award for 2010.
Betty received the award for her unstinting contribution to the Municipality and its people in a wide variety of voluntary and professional roles, including her services to Jamberoo Golf Club.
Well done Betty and best wishes from everyone at the club on your milestone.

Lorretta Green wins 2010 Club Championship

Loretta Green presented with the 2010 Club Champion Trophy by Marilyn Wright

LORETTA GREEN has won the Jamberoo Ladies Club Championship for 2010 with an impressive 72 hole Gross of 335.

Loretta had a great 4th round, paring the first nine holes with 5 pars 2 birdies and 2 bogies for a total of 34.

She had a 45 on the back for a total final round 79.

Pictured with Loretta is Marilyn Wright (Club Captain) who won the Nett Championship with 218.

Linda McGlinchey won the B Grade Ladies Golf Championship with  a Gross 372.

Marlene Trethowan was the C Grade Championship with a Gross of 419 and she also took out the Pat Norman Memorial Trophy, for the Over All Nett with a score of 279 for the 4 rounds.

Loretta Green was also the Veteran Champion for 2010 (best 2 scores of the 4 rounds) and was presented with the Veteran Trophy by  Nat Fischer.

Kay Brennan had an eagle on the 14th hole during the Championships – well done Kay.

B Grade Champion Linda McGlinchey
C Grade Winner Marlene Trethowan
Nat Fischer presents the Veteran Champion Trophy to Loretta Green
Kay Brennan had an Eagle on the 14th