Betty celebrates her 80th Birthday

Kiama Citizen of the Year Betty Chittick

Jamberoo Golf Club stalwart Betty Chittick celebrated her 80th Birthday on Wednesday September 8.
Typical of Betty, she spent part of her big day unselfishly working as a volunteer in the Jamberoo Golf Shop.
Betty, one of the foundation members of the club, was earlier this year the recipient of the Kiama Council Australia Day Citizen of the Year Award for 2010.
Betty received the award for her unstinting contribution to the Municipality and its people in a wide variety of voluntary and professional roles, including her services to Jamberoo Golf Club.
Well done Betty and best wishes from everyone at the club on your milestone.

2 thoughts on “Betty celebrates her 80th Birthday

  1. Ever since the first day i joined Betty has been consistantly pleasant and welcomes everyone with a smile.
    Long may you continue.

  2. Hi, Betty has known me since I was knee high to a grasshopper. Lost her sister several weeks a ago – also a great lady. I am realted to the Chitticks, but Betty is a one off! Great girl!

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