Jamberoo Golf Club Flood Appeal Day

PERFECT weather welcomed the 88 players for our Flood Appeal Day held Friday 24 June 2011 with the course condition nearly back to normal after the devastating floods.

The format for the day’s event was a 4 x Person Ambrose and a good time was had by all with some very good scores returned. After the golf we all made our way to theJamberooHotelBeerGarden, where Ross, Erika and Jamie had arranged a lovely lunch and refreshments.

The presentation of trophies was conducted by President Lance, and it was nice to see the prizes spread around with a couple of excited newer Jamberoo ladies figuring in the awards.

Winning Teams were:

Mens :- Messrs Quennell, Rodgers, Hannan & Wilde.

Ladies :- L. Kentwell, C. Bell, D. Brynes & J. Vasic.

Mixed:- D. De Vries, J. Henry, S. Gentle & K. Ison.

Our thanks go to all our Sponsors especially Jamberoo Hotel , and all those who made donations.

We must also thank all the golfers who supported the day. Without you, the day would not have been a success.

Mike Harris

Vice President

Janice Vasic from Flinders with Colleen Bell from Bulli, Lauris Kentwell from Lake Illawarra and Debbie Byrnes from Mt Warrigal. Photos courtesy of Kiama Independent
Port kembla's Gail Hodges, Jenene Rimes, Phil Rimes and Brian Parker. Courtesy of Kiama Indpendent
Jamberoo's Di and Adrian Pittorino, Norbert and Lynne Beringer. Photo courtesy of Kiama Indpednent

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