No dampening the spirit at the 2010 Camp Quality Charity Day

High spirits and a table load of prizes at the Camp Quality Charity Day

IT WAS the first wet Jamberoo Ladies Camp Quality Charity Golf Day in 17 years and the rain gods certainly made up for it.

The rain was incessant and the course was looking more like a swamp but it still didn’t dampen the spirits of the 100 or so men and lady golfers who braved the conditions to take part in the 2010 event.

Not everyone finished 18 holes, or even nine. It might have been a bit of a nightmare for Marylyn Wright and the other organisers trying to sort out the results and prizes, but for all those taking part it was just fine.

With the entrance fees, raffle, auction, bbq and afternoon tea with lots of home-cooked goodies, $4, 290 was raised for the very worthwhile Camp Quality organisation and the children they do so much for.

Well done ladies.

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