Latest News from Jamberoo GC

Volunteer Working Bee – Friday 29 September 2023.

The end of the month comes around quickly and Friday 29th September is the next Volunteer Working Bee.

Thanks to members and friends who turned out last month to dig, weed, mulch and continue the work on the gardens around the Course. Thanks to Nick who helped out once or twice too!

This month there are plans for a focus on Starters Shed maintenance and painting. There will still be a few smaller gardening tasks for those who like the company of plants!

Please register your participation with the golf shop by Wednesday 27/9/23 so that we can ensure we have enough lunch to go around. Be sure to wear closed in shoes and a hat, and for the gardeners, please bring along your trowels, forks or mattocks.

We meet at 8.15am at the Starters Shed and finish about 12:00 for lunch. Hope to see you there!

Tuesday Bookings.

Members are reminded that the Women’s competition runs from 8 am to 9.30 on Tuesdays and the course is reserved for this purpose during this time.

Member bookings for social play should be made outside of these hours.

Saturday Results.

Today a 4BBB was played at the club with 53 groups competing. A fun, team day hopefully enjoyed by all.

The winners of the day were our vistors, Ray & Sharon French, from Antill Park CGC with 45 points.

2nd place:   Gary Brickell & Greg Quigg  44 pts (c/b)   3rd place:   Rod Poidevin & Ian Lewis  44 pts (c/b)  4th place:   Ray Pearson & Phil Lewis  44 pts (c/b)

Balls to 42 points.

Eagles Nest 3rd:   No Winner

NTP 7th:      Rob McLean  236 cm   9th:    Brad Jenkins  49 cm

D&P 8th:      Brad Rimmer  10 cm

Women’s D&P 11th:    Liz Armstrong  55 cm

Supershot 13th:    Jim Henry  90 cm

Champagne Nine – 123 Countdown

Winners:  P Watson, L Kirwan & J Kirwan  38;   Runners Up:  P Middlebrook, S Karschies & S Paul  37;  

3rd:  M Smee, B Tunbridge & M McNeary  35

News from the Course – September 22

Results Page Updated.

Jamberoo starter Rod Hodkinson informed me today that some members have made enquiries as to recent results not being published.

I can inform the membership that all results have indeed been published on the day of the competition.

The issue appears to be that the web master has updated the results page due to an error on that page.

If you are receiving a page entitled ‘Results Archive’ then go back to the Jamberoo Golf Club home page, click on the golf tab, then click on results and the proper page will appear with all recent comp results.

News from the Course

Upcoming Events.

September Junior Coaching Clinics.

Proudly Sponsored by Just Bathrooms and Jamberoo Golf Club.

Date: Thursday 28/09/2023

  • Meet at 8.30am for 9.00am start
  • Lessons on Grip, Swing, Chipping, Putting and Golf Management.
  • All ability levels catered for.
  • A limited number of holes to be played applying your new skills.
  • Bring your clubs (if you have them), a hat and water.
  • Lunch will be provided at no cost.
  • This session limited to first 12 Juniors who register.

Volunteers Needed

On the 28/09/2023 Jamberoo Golf Club in conjunction with Just Bathrooms will be holding a Junior Coaching Clinic.

We require the assistance of 3 wonderful volunteers to help.

If you are able to help please advise the proshop, office or Patrick Paris.

With many thanks,

Patrick Paris, Junior Co-Ordinator

Upcoming Golfing Events.

1. Saturday 23rd September – 4BBB Medley Stableford. This event won’t be handicapped. Two players play as partners each taking strokes at holes as in a stableford competition. The better point score on a hole from either of the pair becomes the team score for that hole. Each team swaps cards and acts as the marker for the other team.

See the scoring example below.

HolePlayer APlayer BTeam score
 15/3 3
2 4/22
3 3/33
55/3 3
66/2 2
7 2/33
84/3 3
9 4/11
Total out  20
HolePlayer APlayer BTeam score
 10 4/33
11 4/22
12 5/33
133/4 4
145/3 3
156/2 2
16 5/22
174/4 4
18 6/11
In  24
Out  20
Total  44

2. Saturday 30th September – Jamberoo Open Ambrose – sponsored by Oaks Automotive

Bookings are presently being taken at the golf shop for this major event on our golfing calendar. It is a 4 person Ambrose Event. All gender combinations of teams will be accepted. Female entrants will gain a 4 shot addition to their handicap to compensate for the lesser par of the day. Please see the notice below.

3. Mens Fourball Matchplay – This competition will commence on the 1st of October. Entries are now being taken on the form in the golfshop. Entry fee is $9 per player.

Mixed Foursomes Played in the Heat

A very warm Spring day greeted the 22 participants in the 2023 Mixed Foursomes Championships.

The scoring was pretty hot as well!

3 teams finished within two shots of each other for the overall gross and the nett event results were also close.

The winners of the 2023 Mixed Foursomes are Kelley Greaves and Ron Chilby with 133 off the stick.

The nett winners were Linda Kirwan and Larry Kent with 102.75.

Balls went to Bruce Roberton & Leesa Swan and to Bruce Byers & Kay Brennan both teams with nett scores of 105.75.

Congratulations to our new champions and thank you to all other teams for participating in this very fun event.

The next Sunday Mixed event will be held on October 29 with a 2 ball aggregate event.

Mens Foursomes Championship will be held on Saturday October 28. Time to be planning your two person team!

News from the Course – 13 September

Womens Foursomes Championships Decided.

Champions Crowned.

Congratulations to Liz Armstrong and Linda McGlinchey on defending their title in the 2023 Women’s Foursomes Championship. The Foursomes title is played over 27 holes and is that demanding alternate shot game.

Players found the course in great condition with fair but challenging flag placements. A true credit to our Green’s staff.

Nett winners were Rose Sheath and Lieve Stassen with an excellent score of 101.25.

Congratulations to all competitors and prize winners.

Champions:   Linda McGlinchey & Elizabeth Armstrong  143   Gross Runners Up:  Jenelle Anderson & Judi O’Brien  149

Nett Winners:  Rose Sheath & Lieve Stassen  101.25   Nett Runners Up:  Cheryl Legge & Helen Wainwright  105.75

Ball Winners:  Tracey Watson, Kelley Greaves, Cheryl Smee, Marie Smith, Robyn Gregson & Barbara Costello.

Red tee markers.

We have at the moment only Mens and Womens White and Blue Courses. In the past these have been designated by White and Blue tee markers.

Please note the clarification in the following paragraphs.

The red tee markers are for women players. They will be used for all competitions run by the Women’s Committee.

In all other competitions play will proceed from the white or blue tee markers depending on the course being played.

Larry Kent, Captain

An Unlikely Eagle spotted at the 6th today.

Congratulations to Chris Goodwin who managed to score an eagle 2 at the sixth today. Hitting a solid drive down the middle Chris pulled out his 7 iron and played his second shot straight over the Camphor Laurel tree towards the green. Not having the best of sight at the moment he searched for his ball over the back thinking it might have gone swimming.

A suggestion to look in the hole proved fruitful for indeed there was Chris’ ball sweetly settled at the bottom. He was both pleased and surprised.

3 balls to your kitty Chris. Well played.

Upcoming Events

This Sunday sees the playing of the Mixed Foursomes Championship over 27 holes. Plenty of spaces are still available.

On Saturday 30th of September the Oaks Automotive Jamberoo Open Ambrose Championship will be held at the club. This is a 4 person modified elimination Ambrose event with same sex and mixed gender teams allowed. {All women players are given a 4 shot boost to their GA handicap to counteract the disadvantage of the smaller par of the Mens Blue Course}.

Entries are now open by calling the golf shop on 4236 0404.