News from the Course – January 7

Bernie finds a new tool

Bernie McG has been struggling to counter the back nine charge of his friendly rival Ron C who generally powers home to win their match against each other. Today Bernie was spotted in a golf cart. When questioned Bernie stated that he now has a new tool to overcome his back nine lethargy.

And yes, Bernie won today 67 to 68.

Course News

The infestation of weevils that were attacking the root system of some of our greens and the recent extreme hot and humid days coupled with the breakdown of the main irrigation pipe has put the greens under some stress. Your green staff have made repairs to the irrigation system which is now functioning perfectly allowing for the cooling of the roots on hot days and chemicals have been sprayed onto the greens to kill the insects and limit the spread of couch grass into the greens. These measures will hopefully bring our greens back to their usual excellent condition.

The grass on the fairways and rough is naturally growing very quickly as you might expect at this time of the year and the green staff are very busy keeping the grass to acceptable golfing levels.

It is planned to cut the  green surrounds with the tee mower which hopefully will alleviate the issue some members are having with the fringes of the green.

This Week’s Results

Many of our competitions have been played in the very hot and humid conditions of late but this does not seem to have affected the scoring which, like the weather, has been hot.

Saturday 7 January 2017 – Men’s and Ladies Golf Mart Monthly Medal

A Grade: Winner  Pete Munro 64 nett (c/b) 2nd Matt Tedeschi 64 nett

B Grade: Winner John Brand 62 nett  2nd Ray Sheehan 63 nett 3rd  Nathian Davis 65 nett (c/b)

C Grade: Winner  Bob Small 64 nett (c/b) 2nd Dave Connon 64 nett (c/b)

D Grade: Winner Michael Sheridan 63 nett

Best Gross Winner Pete Munro 74

Ladies Golf Mart – Stroke

Winner: Elizabeth Armstrong 74 nett

Thursday, 5 January 2017 – Lady Veterans – Stableford

Winner: Sue Paul 40 Pts

2nd: Kay Brennan 35 Pts (c/b)

3rd: Lyn Walker 35 Pts (c/b)

Wednesday 4 January 2017 – Drummond Golf Stableford

A Grade Winner Michael Jones 42 pts

B Grade Winner  Brian Underwood 39 pts 2nd Place M Collins 38 pts (Howlong GC) 3rd Place Jeff Draper 36 pts (c/b)

C Grade Winner John Eeles 44 pts 2nd Place Lew Dare 40 pts

D Grade Winner  Ray Pearson 44 pts

Drummond Golf Voucher Winner R Pearson 44 pts

Tuesday 3 January 2017 – Ladies Stroke Monthly Medal

Stroke Winner : Shirley Dixon 71 nett 2nd Suzanne Lang 74 nett

Monthly Medal Results

Div 1 Medal Winner  Shirley Walsh 75 Nett

Div 1 Gross Winner Judi O’Brien 93

Div 2 Medal Winner Shirley Dixon 71 Nett

Div 2 Gross Winner Shirley Dixon 96

Div 3 Medal Winner Marie Rodgers 81 Nett

Div 3 Gross Winner Marie Rodgers 119

Monday 2 January 2017 – New Year’s Public Holiday Stableford

Winner:  Michael Sheridan 42 pts  2nd Place Brian Nicoll 40 pts

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