Golf Course Re-Opens


The ‘east coast deluge’ has seen our course suffer like all places in the area with both the Minamurra River and Hyam’s Creek overflowing onto the course.

Thankfully the water has drained away quickly and head greenkeeper Martin Boatswain has announced today that the course will be re-opened for play on Wednesday 8th June. The use of golf carts unfortunately will not be allowed.

Debris left over by the flood-waters is being gathered by your hard-working greenstaff and volunteers and you will see several areas where the debris has been stock-piled ready for collection when the ground will allow access to heavy vehicles.

If your ball should happen to come to rest in these areas then free drops are allowed under rule 25.1 on ground under repair which includes material piled for removal by the greenkeeper, even if not so marked.

Also if your ball should become embedded through the green then under rule 25.2 you may also gain free relief by lifting, cleaning and dropping your ball after first identifying your nearest point of relief within 1 club length not nearer the hole of this point.

Players are also reminded that rule 25.1 also covers situations where ‘casual’ water lies on the course.

We hope to see you on the course.

Club Graphic

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