Members Matchplay tournaments announced

Club Matchplay Championships 2016 

Entries are invited for both the Handicap Matchplay Championship and Fourball Matchplay Championship.

Please register by writing your name and contact phone number on the list outside the golf shop by the 30th of April. The cost is $10 per player per competition.

Players will remain on the same GA handicaps as they started their first match except if they reduce their handicaps during the course of the competition in which case they shall play off that reduced handicap for the remainder of the competition.

All matches will be played with the benefit of full handicap difference using the balanced handicap distribution method.

Both competitions start in May.

Saturday,  April 9

President v Captain Day – Individual Par – White Course

This is a special club day where every player will be allocated to represent either the President’s or Captain’s team.

There will be prizes awarded to the best scores from each team as well as the usual drive and pitch and nearest the pin prizes. To determine the winning team the top 20 and bottom 10 scores from each team are to count in this individual par event.

Have fun and play fair. Some friendly banter is allowed!

Take Care with your Score Cards

Make sure that your card is signed by both your marker and yourself  before it is put in the box. Failure to do this will result in disqualification. Today I had to regrettably DQ two players as they both did not have their marker’s signature. It would be a shame if it cost you a prize or ball in a comp.

Dave Ransom

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