News from the Course 26th March

Weekly winners

Saturday 19th March saw the members play a stableford countdown event.

The 4 person team winners were George Louden, Dave Ruddy, Mark Fisher and Peter Wheatley with a fantastic 98 pts. 2nd place went to Ray Orr, Pete Munro, Paul Rodgers and Ron Hewson with 94 pts. Teams of 3 played a 666 countdown,  winners were the team of Andrew Ball, Daniel Smith and Dave Connon with 85 pts. The Lady winners were the team of Jo Burke, Lisa Bell, Robyn Gregson, Rose Sheath with 81 Pts.

Tuesday 22nd March saw the ladies play a stableford.

The winners were

in Div 1 : L Kuskey 36 Pts Runner Up: M Farrant 35 Pts

in Div 2 Winner: M Rodgers 43 Pts Runner Up: L Walker 39 Pts

Wednesday 23rd March saw a stableford event held.

A Grade Winner Bruce Byers 38 Pts

B Grade Winner Doug Perry 40 Pts 2nd Bob Neilson 38 Pts

C Grade Winner Paul Rodgers 42 Pts 2nd Graham Kuskey 40 Pts

D Grade Winner Peter Agrums 42 Pts

On Good Friday a walk up start  stableford was held with the Winner being Phil Gosling with 42 Pts and 2nd Tony Panecasio with 40 Pts.

Finally Easter Saturday saw a stableford contested.

A Grade – Winner Adrian  Gehrmann 39 Pts

B Grade – Winner Shane Townsend 44 Pts 2nd Ron Chilby 40 Pts (c/b)

C Grade – Winner Paul Tucker 45 Pts

D Grade – Winner George Louden 46 Pts

Ladies Winner Jenn Owers 38 Pts.

Easter Monday

Don’t forget that a competition will be held at the club on Easter Monday. So if you want some competitive play then play in the stableford. It is a walk up start so bring a friend and get involved.

New Head Greenkeeper Appointed.

I am pleased to announce that Martin Botswain has been appointed to the role of Head Greenkeeper. Martin has worked at Jamberoo for the past 17 years and brings with him outstanding greenkeeping skills and local knowledge. He has on many occasions filled this role in the past in relieving capacities and always excelled when given these opportunities. We wish Martin all the best in his new permanent role and look forward to a long association with him.

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