Jamberoo wins the White Horse Cup back to back

The Cowpats winning team (along with President Lance). They sometimes don’t know which way is up … but that’s not important right now.
The Cowpats winning team (along with President Lance). The Cowpats sometimes don’t know which way is up … but that’s not important right now.

Congratulations to the ‘Cowpats’ on their incredible season where they remained undefeated and returned the White Horse Cup pennant to Jamberoo. The team were composed mainly from the previous year’s champions and were focussed throughout the season on their goal of bringing back the Cup.

The team consisted of Col Booth, Brian O’Hare, Scott Hainsworth, Mark Cassal, Shane Townsend, Larry Kent, Matt Tedeschi and Phil Adams. They were successful in the final 4-2 against Sussex Inlet at Shoalhaven Heads.

Locked at 2 matches each after Shane and Larry had comfortable wins, the crucial games involved Mark and Scott. Mark seemed to have his opponent well covered being dormie 5 and Scott trailed with only a handful of holes remaining. Mark’s opponent lifted and it took a strong last hole from Mark to win on the 18th. Scott also found that extra spark and the ice-blooded number 1 won his match on the 18th as well to bring the Cup back to Jamberoo.

Nobody in the long history of the White Horse Cup has won it three times in a row so next year we are out to make history.

Well played champs!

[photos complements of Brian O’Hare]


Winning White Horse Cup captain Col “The Saint” Booth. If Col’s reports don’t make total sense to you …. you’re just not concentrating hard enough. They have perfect clarity in Cowpatland
Winning White Horse Cup captain Col “The Saint” Booth. If Col’s reports don’t make total and immediate sense to you …. you’re just not concentrating hard enough. They have perfect clarity in Cowpatland

The Saint writes …

WHC CHAMPS……………. [COWPATS ] ………………….. brilliant effort I’m actually Splattered  for words  .

I know all of Jamberoo are proud as we were not expected to win back to back titles.

Having two teams submitted did weaken the potential of back to back wins but Jamberoo having two teams in the semis speaks volumes of the quality of the Jamberoo course and the Volunteers who ensure our success.

I have heard the Golf Authorities are looking the rerate Jamberoo and consequently our Handicaps after our WHC success as Jamberoo is clearly on the MAP of must play courses to ensure WHC Success.


The Challenge is that no Golf Club in the long history of the WHC has won three times in a row. Can we Make history next year with the Hat Trick ???

I would like to personally like to thank all the players who made my task rewarding with your positive feedback, as often behind the scenes management ensures success on the paddock

I believe we ticked all the boxes in relation team preparation, communication, fun and excellent support from the Jamberoo Committee and players in general and their support staff.

The Most feared player brought us home,

The less fancied player brought us home  

The most obvious player brought us home

The most emotional player brought us home

The Support staff of caddies brought us home

The Volunteer’s brought us home

The two stalwarts who normally bring us home took the hit for the team to ensure success .

What a team effort. 

I hope we can submit a competitive team next year to


                                      COMPLETE THE COWPAT CHALLENGE   


Cowpats … not above applauding themselves. As awe-junior pennant players look on, wishing one day it will be them in the spotlight.
Cowpats … not above applauding themselves. As awe-struck junior pennant players look on, wishing one day it will be them in the spotlight.
Scott Hainsworth ... "The Golden Cowpat". The team No.1 claims to have had ecstatic visions (whilst watching a tennis match) involving future Cowpat victories
Scott Hainsworth … “The Golden Cowpat”. The team No.1 claims to have had ecstatic visions (whilst watching a tennis match of all things) involving future Cowpat victories

3 thoughts on “Jamberoo wins the White Horse Cup back to back

  1. Congratulations on a fine achievement..you have done yourselves and the club proud…Bring it on in 2017…

  2. Fantastic Achievement. Congratulations. As announced today at Ladies Golf–We will not be outdone!! Bring on the Ladies Pennants.

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