AS you are no doubt aware severe damage to our Golf Course was caused by the flash flooding on Monday 21st March when over 6 feet of water swept across the course resulting in huge damage and closing the course.

The green staff has done a tremendous job in getting the course back into playing condition. Extensive damage to two of the three greens have been repaired, tree blockages removed from under the bridges, course drainage systems cleared, water supply systems restored to the bottom end of the course, fallen trees cut up and removed and removal of the piled debris material etc.

Volunteers have done a great job in progressively clearing and piling up the flood debris for collection and removal by the green staff to enable a resumption of golf and play of a composite course this weekend.

Special thanks also to the ladies who have supplied us with morning teas to keep us going with the work.

However there is still a lot more work to be done in collecting and piling up the flood debris for removal, please help by coming down for even a few hours with gloves and a rake and or shovel to help get the entire course back into operation.

Most work is from 8am till about lunch time, but any assistance even for a couple of hours will help – check in at the starting shed before commencing work.

Mike of the many hard woring volunteers

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