Jamberoo spanked

Jamberoo’s C Pennant and White Horse Cup teams had poor weekends with the C’s defeated 7 zilch at Port Kembla and the Cuppers travelling all the way to Sussex Inlet for a 5 and 2 hiding by St Georges Basin. The B Pennant team lost to division leaders Port Kembla.

C Pennant Report Round 3 13/3/2011 at Port Kembla

Report by Dave Ransom

Cougar caged, Pup sent packing with the tail between his legs and Billy the kid smacked.

I knew it would be difficult, but little did I realise how difficult it would turn out to be. In a very disappointing result Port Kembla proved too strong for us winning all 7 matches and taking out the division, leaving us wondering what might have been.

Despite the end result the match was closer than the final score indicates. Four of the matches progressed to the 18th green.  These games could have easily gone our way. When the pressure was applied, however, the Port players were able to find that little extra and win all of these games.

Results were : Ray Orr lost 6/4, Alex Hemmings lost 8/7, Ken Baker and Scott Hainsworth both lost 1 down, Warwick Miller lost 4/2 , Tom Zimmerman lost 2 down and Chris Leckey lost 1 down.

Thanks again to our support team of Warren Joannou and Paul Hemmings. It was a sad day for them as well.

Despite the disappointing final result the team members should look back on the season with pride and reflect on the positives that they achieved as individuals and as a team. They represented the club with honour and played to the best of their abilities winning 3 out of 4 matches against strong opposition.

I personally appreciated the time and effort they put into the season and I look forward to continuing friendship with them all. Remember, in the long run,‘It’s not the things you take but the friends you make’.

Until next season,

Yours in golf,

Dave Ransom

B Pennant lose to division leaders

Report from Lance Fredericks

We didn’t do it! Our B Pennant team lost to Divisional leaders, Port Kembla, 5 ½ matches to 1 ½ on Sunday 12 March at St Georges Basin.

Confronted by very recently cored and un mowed greens and a team of low markers the effort required was too great. Jarryd Buckley broke his form slump with a convincing 5/4 win and Tom Persson nearly edged out his unbeaten opponent to square his match. Again Jamberoo had to play opponents on handicaps of 3 to 4 strokes lower. Port’s team ranged from 6 to 9 and Jamberoo from 9 to 13.

Jaryd Byers had a horror start losing the first 4 holes then hung on to lose 4/3. Adrian Bell had difficulty with the greens and went to 5 down then recovering to claw back to finish losing 3/2. Matt Bell could not quite hang on the last few holes going down 3/1. Tim Young and Ken Bradley both hung in until the last couple of holes with Tim losing 2/1 and Ken losing 3/2.

The team had a good season winning twice, squaring twice and losing once. All won matches except Ken who squared two of his four.  The team finished third in Division one as Shoalhaven Heads managed to get one point ahead of Jamberoo with a win on Sunday.

Thanks to all players and well done.

White Horse Cup

The White Horse Cup team travelled all the way to Sussex Inlet only to record a disappointing loss to St Georges Basin 5 and 2.

Captain Tony Rodriguez had a strong win 6 and 4 and Peter Francis came from behind to win 3 and 1.

“I’m a truly great golfer. Sometimes I even surprise myself,” the eternally modest Rodriguez said.

Not in his good books were Errol Stubbs, Brian O’Hare, Brad Jackson, Boyd Sylvester and Steve Jackson.

The Cuppers have a chance to make amends when they take on Port Kembla at The Grange next Sunday.

One thought on “Jamberoo spanked

  1. Just a big thankyou to our B Division Captain Lance Fredericks, he travelled and was on hand for all the big matches and I know the side really appreciated his efforts and imput during the Pennants season, good on ya and thanks very much Lance.
    Cheers, TP

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