Etiquette on the Golf Course

By Club Captain Phil Green

Section 1 of the Rules of Golf covers Etiquette and Behaviour on the course. The introduction to this section concludes by stating that the overriding principle is that consideration should be shown to others on the course at all times.

Under the heading Consideration for other players, it states that players should always show consideration for other players on the course and should not disturb their play by moving, talking or making unnecessary noise. This is particularly important at a course like Jamberoo where due to the size of the course, teeing areas may be close together, as for example, at the 2nd, 11th and 18th tees and the 16th tee and 17th green. Speaking loudly in such areas while other people are about to play their shot shows a lack of courtesy and a disregard for one of the basic principles of our wonderful game.

Last Saturday, for example, while a group was getting ready to tee off on the 11th, a group on the 2nd called out to one of the players on the 11th while one of the other players in that group was addressing the ball. Wait until he’s hit his shot next time.

A group on the 18th waited for another group of players to tee off on the 2nd.  They waited for this group to finish before they set up, being quiet etc, as they should. The group on the 2nd, however, didn’t show the other group the same courtesy. As soon as they finished, chat, chat, chat while the other group was teeing up ready to hit off. Have a look around to see what is going on, and show other people the same courtesy that you would expect.

Slow play is another area which causes a great deal of angst. If some of the early morning groups can get around the course in about 3 to 3¼ hours, then there is no reason why later groups shouldn’t be able to get around the course in 3½ to 3¾ hrs. If you are holding up the group behind you, let them through. There is no excuse for taking 5 hours to finish a round at our course. The course is not that long, and it is reasonably flat. If you’re off the fairway, in the trees, and you don’t think you’re going to be able to find your ball easily, call the following group through. Don’t hold them up for 5 minutes while you search for your ball. Every time somebody does this, the time taken to search adds up so that the following groups end up taking much longer than they should to complete their round. Don’t all walk down the fairway together from one ball to the next. If each player goes to where his/her ball is and is ready to play as soon as possible, then the round will go quicker.

Play ready golf. While one person is on the tee, another can be watching for that person’s ball flight while the other two in the group fill out their cards.

7 thoughts on “Etiquette on the Golf Course

  1. At last! Someone with some clout has actually gone into print and repeated what I have been saying for the last year! Thank you Phil, I know I am not very subtle, but I have got to the point where I want to put a size 9 steelcap into somebody’s backside! It should not come down to the club captain to say what you have – it should be the responsibility of the low handicapper in each group – but SO glad you have said it. If you read my postings it appears that I am just moaning – not at all! – read them, then read between the lines – what I said is essentially what you have said – and everybody has a responsibility to keep the course moving etc etc etc. Not going to repeat it – totally agree with what Phil has said, and although less subtle, I have said the same in previous posts. Being selfish and a good member of a golf club have no correlation! N

  2. Also like to say – the hike of 20% in comp fees may have looked good on paper – but bet that entries have dropped off! In the past would have played 50 from 52 – now will play maybe 18 of 52 – net loss f $284 to the club. Maybe others doing the same – won’t play in medals because of the slow play thing- have extended that to what I term “non-events” ie Par, Par Bisque, Ambrose etc – but would play in a Texas Scramble (and last year there were none!) Ah, well, midweek it is, with friends – just enjoying the golf and the course – but money draining away from the club!

  3. Ozzie obviously you don’t play in the comps anywhere else.I am a member of Jamberoo living in Sydney and if I can play in a comp up here or anywhere else for under $20 I am doing very well.Also for the course you are playing I think we are spoilt as value of membership fees for the course you are playing compared to a lot of other courses that aren’t up to the same condidtion and charge more. I would not change clubs but support it a bit more

  4. OZZIE1802: Maybe if you done your maths you would realise that 18 from 50 is 32. Right.
    32x$2 is $64.00.Right.
    You would be get 3 and a bit games a year for this money on another course. Right.
    All I can say is enjoy your gardening or whatever you like to do, as a chore at home while we will still be enjoying our golf at $12.00 a game. For myself personally I know I would, for this additional cost, prefer to be out and about with my mates on the course on Saturdays(As I work during the week) and am happy to play and meet others for the sake of an additional $2.00.
    Your loss mate.

    1. Hmm! – actually, my maths WERE right – because I can play during the week – having a 2 month layoff right now, 32 times 12 is actually $384, not $64 – RIGHT? And no, I don’t garden – I fish, watch Rugby Union, have a few beers, or whatever – I will simply play during the week, and choose which comps to enter! No problem for me – not throwing the toys out of the pram, just taking a different view where golf is a part of my life, but not the focus! Enjoy your golf – and I will enjoy mine, maybe 1 week in 3 on a Saturday, but certainly during the week.

  5. Phil:
    I would personally like to thank the volunteers also. Great job done by all.
    A credit to the board in setting up a course still playable wheter it be 9, 12 or 14 holes after so much damage done to the course. This is the time when you see comradeship and people come together in times of misfortune. lets not forget the ladies behind the scenes who made the scones etc and gave their husbands support after a hard days work.

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