News from the course – 31st January

Hot off the press- C Pennant team starts with a win.

A glorious up-and-down on 17 followed by a well played par 4 on 18 by team captain Chris Leckey has allowed the C Pennant team to clinch their match over Port Kembla 3-2 in the opening round of Golf Illawarra pennants. Locked at 2 apiece, it looked curtains for the home side when Chris’ second shot on 17 spun off the green into the hazard. Finding that little bit extra Chris flopped his shot to 2 foot and then watched his opponent 3 putt from the front of the green. Chris followed with a superb second shot on 18 to 3 metres to close out the win to bring his team home. A longer in-depth report will follow later in the week. The other Pennant teams commence their season next week.



Bartlett holds up his team to win the Saturday 4 ball

Winners of the January 30th 4BBB were Chris Goodwin and Mick Bartlett with 48 points. This beat a plethora of other teams on 46 points. Chris will tell you that Mick played a great round of golf and held up his team to win the comp for him. Rumours are that Chris went quite well himself. Balls went to 44 points.

Jenn Owers and Margaret Cook were the successful lady winners with 39 points.

Other winners from last week were:

Wednesday -Don Foster with 43 points won A Division over Gus O’Brien who scored 40 points; B division was won by Phil Hahn with 40 points on a countback over Mick Farmilo; C Division was taken out by Jim Eames with 35 points by 1 over Carl Poidevin.

Tuesday – Tony Panecasio with 41 points again beat Scott Hainsworth by 2 points.

Wingardium Leviosa.

That is what John Hinks thought he heard as he played his second shot to the 16th green last Wednesday. This is because his six iron finished stuck up a gum tree and couldn’t be displaced. John explains that with the wet conditions the club slipped out of his hand and flew into the tree. Other reports were that a whooping noise was heard just after he played his shot. I will leave it to the reader to decide.

Dave Ransom


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