News from the Course 23/1/16

Generous club member Col Booth has come to the party and sponsored the club Pennant team caps for the upcoming season. Well done to the ‘Saint’ and thanks to Boothcorp Investments.

Col Booth

Footgolf has hit the Illawarra at Jamberoo Golf Club. Footgolf is a hybrid game combining golf with football. A football is used and you play to specially developed large circumference holes.  It is hugely popular throughout the world so why not come along and have a try?

Ring the course on 42360404 to make a booking.

A Challenge on Footgolf Hole 4. Par 3 Do you go for it or kick to the side.
A Challenge on Footgolf Hole 4. Par 3 Do you go for it or kick to the side?

Weekly Results

Monday Veterans, Lance Fredericks 43 points beating Mark Fisher on 40. Tuesday Ladies, Lynne Beringer was the winner of Division 1 with 38 points and Rose Sheath won division 2 with 40 points on a countback with Marg Stephens.

In Wednesday’s Stableford, Tony Rodriguez won A grade scoring 40 points, Bob Neilson was the B grade winner with 39 points, Doug Perry in C Grade was hot like the weather with 45 points and Brian Bennett secured D grade with 41 points.

Saturday’s Par event was rain affected but 91 people still braved the weather. Arthur Bosanquet scoring plus 3 was the A Grade winner in a good pennant tune-up. Shane Townsend scored a very impressive +5 in B grade, also clearly in form for the upcoming Pennant season. C Grade was won by Gordon Dill with another fine performance scoring +5. D Grade was close with Laurie Walton beating Les Farkas on a countback with +1. The Ladies event saw most caught in the early morning rain with Woolaware’s Susan Hogan winning with -5.

Well played to all our winners.

Dave Ransom

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