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New Species On The Golf Course:

Young people having fun.

10 o clock Monday January 11th saw the ground staff and their families play the first footgolf round on JGC. Lots of laughter and fun had by all.  Martin was seen netting balls out of the creek, much to the delight of his kids—they kicked over the water–not dad.

COST: $10pp midweek. Family (2 adults and 2 children) $30,P1070395 (1)

$15pp and $45 for families on the weekends.

We are trialling  a few operational procedures:  Times–Social golf times. Leaving  flags in for OH&S reasons. They are just an integral part of the course. Remenber any interference treat as per local rules which are just the golf rules for manmade objects.

Blue and white checked flags are for foogolf .  All orange fluoru markings are to assist navigation of the footgolf course.

A big thanks goes to Jamberoo Pub for their generous donation of soccer balls.

Thanks also goes to the starters and members for their patience and support as we try something new. Lets hope it is a good source of income for the club plus encourages some footgolfers become golfers. Bookings are essential and have been strong considering it is word of mouth and social media. Tell all who you think might be interested.

A Challenge on Footgolf Hole 4. Par 3. Do you go for it or kick to the side.

A Grand Kickoff Day will be held later in the year–once we iron out any difficulties. All suggestions are read from the suggestion booklet near where you enter your scores. Let us know what you think or join us along with over 2500 friends on our Facebook page Footgolf Jamberoo.


  1. The club might have kicked a goal with this one. PS. Congratulations to JGC member Shane Townsend on his appointment to the board of GOLF ILLAWARRA.

  2. It will be good for the club if it takes off. Will footgolf players be covered by the same insurance as us members?

  3. Will the foot golfers be covered by the same injury insurance as members whilst on the course?

    1. Have had insurance for footgolfers clarified at recent board meeting. Footgolfers covered by JGC public liability. Golfers are covered by extra insurance on Jamberoo Golf Course. As you know, not all golf courses take out this insurance. It is part of your JGC membership payment. Golf Australia which supports Footgolf Australia believes public liability insurance is adequate.

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