Jamberoo Valley Veterans Tournament 2010

TWO HUNDRED AND NINETEEN golfers from 62 clubs stretching from Gladstone in Queensland, Howlong on the Victoria border and Griffith out west, revelled in perfect conditions for two days at the 2010 Jamberoo Valley Veterans Tournament.

The course was in top shape for the tournament, held on the 25th and 26th of November, with added adornments of the NSW Veteran Golfers Association and the Jamberoo Club logos applied to the 8th and 6th holes by some very creative ground staff.

The NSW VGA Trophy was won by Brian Hedges from Nelson Bay with 40 stableford points on the Thursday. For full results see the main club website results section.

Have a look at our slideshow of the event, just click on the arrow to start and the icon in the bottom right for full screen.


One thought on “Jamberoo Valley Veterans Tournament 2010

  1. Congratulations to Ground Staff and All involved for presenting a Fantastic 2 days of Golf.
    I thought the course was fantastic, the people we met from other Clubs were all very friendly and it was a pleasure to be part of this event. To organise, and to keep the field flowing was a huge task, and was handled well by all concerned.
    A credit to all those involved.

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