News from the Course – 14th November

8th hole from fairway
a view of the 8th hole

A Grade Matchplay Final

Congratulations go to Steve Rippon who today defended his Graded Matchplay title defeating a gallant Tom Persson 1 up in the A Grade final. The Graded matchplay is played in grades off the stick with the proviso that a maximum of 2 shots are to be given in any match.

This was a brilliant match exhibiting golf of the highest calibre with both players shooting par or better, applying high pressure to their opponent. This was perfectly illustrated on the last green with Steve holding a 1 hole advantage. Tom, putting first, had a difficult 3 metre curling putt for par to the left of the flag. He holed the putt leaving Steve with an equally difficult 1.5 metre putt down the hill to win the match. Steve managed to hole the putt and take out the match.

Well played to both finalists. Even though entries were small this year it was good to see Tom push Steve all the way. In the B final to be played next weekend John Paul takes on Tim Young in a match that will see John’s power game against the finesse of Tim. It should be a good match.

Today’s win completes a good year for Steve who has set a new course record 62 in the March monthly medal and  defended his club and veterans championships. He has not found it all his own way this year with a come-from-behind victory to win the club championship by 1 and being pushed all the way in today’s final.

Steve Rippon won the Club Championship for the third year in succession.
Steve Rippon winner of the A Grade Matchplay title.

Slow Play on the Course

Members are reminded that they should play ‘ready golf’ in all competitions at Jamberoo Golf Club and realise that their position in the field is immediately behind the group in front and not in front of the group behind. If you seem to be holding up the group behind then it is quite all right to let them pass through at a convenient time. This is especially true if you loose a ball and spend time looking for it. The rules of golf allow 5 minutes to search for a lost ball, but if it is apparent that it will take this time to find the missing ball, call the next group through.

Illawarra District Champion of Champions

Our A, B and C grade champions, Steve Rippon, Tom Zimmermann and Bob Small have been invited to play in the District Champion of Champions. This event will be held at the Highlands Golf club on the 20th of December.

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