News from the Course – 27th October


Unnotified and Late Advices of Withdrawal From Competitions

There have been an increasing number of  unnotified withdrawals and late advices of withdrawal given for competitions.

This causes unnecessary wastage in terms of Golf Shop time and resources in preparing cards which won’t be utilised and cannot be re-used.

Members who can’t make their tee time for any reason should contact the starter as soon as possible so that fellow members can take the vacated place. Failure to notify the starter is also unfair to playing partners who are often left alone especially if the late withdrawal occurs for early tee times. As a common courtesy please let us know prior to the day of the competition if you cannot make your tee time.

We understand that there are times when emergencies occur, requiring late advice, but please, if your name is down to play and you know you won’t be playing, give the Golf Shop early advice so your name can be deleted from the list and a fellow member, who maybe on a waiting list, added. This is impossible to do if you fail to turn up without notice.

2. Golf Cart Hire

Members wishing to hire motorised golf carts for competitions should write down “cart” next to their name on the booking sheet. This will enable the starter to allocate a cart for your use on the day. Failure to follow this procedure may result in no cart being available for your use depending on bookings later in the day.

Members who book a cart will always be given priority but you should not assume a cart will be available for your use if you failed to book. Follow this procedure to avoid disappointment.

On behalf of the Board of Directors

Geoff Boxsell, Secretary, JGC

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