October 2015 Vets Newsletter

12th October 2015 Competition

Today’s comp was held over from the long weekend and it was also the qualifying round for the playoffs for the IVGA medal, where the top three players from today’s comp would be eligible to go to Shoalhaven Heads on Monday 9th November 2015. The conditions today were superb for golf and the winners were:

Division 1            1st Italo Baraldi 46 Points
                               2nd Glyn Godfrey 40 Points
Division 2           1st Al Thrower 41 Points                                
Jim Eames 40 Points
NTP 3rd Doug Perry 270 cms
NTP 9th Ewald Klein 104 cms
NTP 11th
Doug Perry 400 cms
D&P 8th
R Claydon 460 cms
Supershot 7th
Italo Baraldi 340 cms
Balls to 36 Points

IVGA Qualifiers for the Medal Playoff: I Baraldi, A Thrower, J Eames Reserves: G Godfrey, J Drehsen, E Nyholm

The playoff for the medal will be at Shoalhaven Heads on Monday 9th November 2015, the tee off will be between 8.00 and 8.45am and the green fees will be $16.00, carts $30.00. Good luck guys.

19th October 2015 Competition

Our second competition of the month was only a week after our first comp and unfortunately it was only a day away from one of our Camp Quality charity day. Nevertheless, it was a keenly contested event and the winners were:

1st Pat Travers         40 points
2nd Alan Rodgers    35 points

Seaside and the Valley Tournament

This year’s tournament will be held from Monday 23rd November to Friday 27th November. The format for the first two days remains the same as last year, with the first round at Jamberoo on Monday and the second round at Kiama on Tuesday 24th November 2015. The last two days have been rotated so that round 3 is at Kiama on Thursday and Friday’s fourball will be at Jamberoo.

If you are interested in playing in any or all of the days there are nomination forms available in the vets folder in the player’s lounge, or you can call me on 0418 612 881 and I will pass on your nomination to the tournament director, Bob Smith.

Trevor Bell Shield

Expectations were high as we gathered for the penultimate round at Russell Vale on Wednesday 14th October. Everyone had to hit off on the first tee, so unfortunately it was a slow day for all. I was one of the early starters and was playing with Ron Chilby. When we finished our round, the last group hadn’t even finished the 9th so it is something that needs to be addressed by the association because this comp is as much about socialising as it is about the competition.

Now that I’ve got that off my chest, the weather was great with a slight breeze, the course was in good condition and Ron and myself were paired with two players from Kiama (leaders by 20 points). So we thought we could inflict some mental scars early on, but these guys had seen it all before and everyone struggled on the slick greens. In the end, Ron had the best score in our group with 34 points, myself and one of our competitors had 31 points but the other guy wouldn’t tell us his score! Our next two players were Pat Paris (32 points) and Brian O’Hare (31 points) and by the time their scores had been posted, the best score so far was only 37 points, so it was going to be tight.

Our next two players were Ray (El Capitano) Orr and Peter Young who both struggled on the day and finished just behind Brian and myself. Everyone was getting a bit edgy and it wasn’t until our last two players arrived that things got really interesting. In the end both Theo Schmeider (38 points) and Ewald Klein (34 points) had catapulted us into equal first on the day together with our hosts Russell Vale. This was terrific play from Theo on an extremely tricky course, but even more so because Theo is not long back from injury.

With this great result we managed to claw back 10 points of the lead held by Kiama and we have again leapfrogged Port into second place. With only one round left, to be played at Wollongong, realistically, there are only three teams with a chance of taking out the shield and with Kiama starting to get the wobbles after having lead from the start of the season, Jamberoo are looking to be the team to beat on the day. If history is any guide, we performed very strongly last year at Wollongong, so look out Kiama!

The results from Russell Vale and the progressive scores are:

Kiama                    1158
Jamberoo              1148
Port Kembla         1142
The Grange           1101
Wollongong          1091
Links                      1078
Russell Vale          1030
The nomination form for Wollongong is on the vets notice board now so could any interested players please put their names down ASAP.

Chris Goodwin Sec./Treas. Jamberoo Vets

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