Expressions of Interest

Can you help us?

Throughout the history of Jamberoo Golf Club the members have always been willing to lend a hand and help out where necessary. This has been evidenced from the start when members formed a roster to cut the fairways and to man the shop and organise the competitions.

Later, as we were more able to afford a full time staff, members volunteered in times of crisis to help repair the course after severe floods and storms, to plant trees, to help repair machinery, to create and maintain the beautiful gardens. This club spirit is evident still in great proportions in the way members volunteered their time and skills in building, repairing and painting the new extensions and new BBQ verandah area as well as further improving the gardens and surrounds of the club.

But what do these generous members get out of it you may ask?

I  believe they get that satisfied sense of community where their efforts are not only needed but also appreciated by the whole of the club. That warm feeling of belonging to something worthwhile and adding to the greater good, of doing something special with their fellow members and friends. Of making the golf course a beautiful, natural place to play the game we all love.

Jamberoo is often spoken of as the friendly club and I believe this spirit permeates this very thought.

How can I help continue this worthwhile trend and see our club progress?

One way is to let us know if you are prepared to help. To tell us what skills you possess so that we can call on you in times of need of your skill set. We know that many of you would like to get more involved and help. So here is your chance.

Please contact the golf office and register your interest and skills. We would be more than pleased to accommodate you.

We don’t expect a full-time commitment, only for you to help us when it is needed and when you are available. Those members who already volunteer can attest of the good times had by all and the great sense of self-worth helping the club develop. As an added bonus, lunch is always provided.

Please consider, and thank you in anticipation.

Dave Ransom, Ray Sheehan

On behalf of the Board of Directors.

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