The mystery of the missing ball.

Al Thrower reports that a very unusual happening occured to playing partner Gordon Dill in the June monthly medal. Gordon was playing well and came to the 5th tee only a couple over par.

A seemingly perfectly struck tee shot went slightly left and seemed to bounce both ways at once! When the ball could not be found a search took place and after 5 minutes all Gordon could find was a half a ball plugged into the soft turf. Unsure if it was his, Gordon pulled the plug and left the course muttering that he was going to take up bowls.

The next day Gordon was out looking for his ball. Sure enough he found another half ball. When he put the two halves together he noticed that they matched and he also noticed his mark on the newly rejoined ball. Mystery solved. Apparently the ball had split in two and gone separate ways. Gordon has warned other members to beware of the Dunlop Titanium!

The offending ball
The offending ball

Are there any other sad stories to be shared?

I know of one member who tore up his card on the third green in the July medal. Continuing to play he then parred 5 of the next 6! Oops!!

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