Daily Cow Rules Quiz No 1

The first of a series of Golf Rules Quizzes to be supplied by JGC Vice Captain and NSW Accredited Rules Official Phil Green.

Question 1:

Brian is playing in a handicap par competition. Brian scores 5 at the 12th hole which is a par 5 at which he receives a handicap stroke. Brian’s card is returned to the Committee with a score of 4 at the 12th hole. What is the ruling?

Question 2:

Phil’s tee shot clears a water hazard but bounces back into it. He drops the ball on the putting green side of the hazard in an improper manner, and the ball moves when he addresses it. He is informed that he dropped in an improper manner, so he lifts the ball and drops properly. He holes out with three more strokes. As he is leaving the green, someone points out that he may have committed a serious breach of playing from a wrong place. Realising this, he goes back and plays from a correct place as defined by Rule 26-1 and holes out with the second ball with three strokes. What is Phil’s score for the hole?

Answers here

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