Adrian Bell wins 2014 Single Matchplay Final


Single matchplay winner Adrian Bell congratulated by the club captain.
Single matchplay winner Adrian Bell congratulated by the club captain.

PERFECT conditions met the two finalists in the 2014 handicap matchplay final recently.

Two exceptional players had qualified to play the final with each bringing in outstanding form and different qualities.

B Pennant captain Adrian Bell brought along plenty of matchplay experience and a very sound overall game.

His challenger Ron Hewson also brought along a good steady game with excellent play around the greens being a feature of his earlier wins. Ron also had the benefit of a larger handicap giving him several shots to play with, and it remained to be seen if the low marker could overcome this disadvantage.

Both started well and it was clear that this was going to be a fitting match for the final with both players in form. The lead see-sawed for the first 7 holes, but a decisive event occurred on the eighth hole that seemed to turn the match on its head.  Ron as usual had hit the fairway and Adrian, trying to force the issue took out his driver. An apparently superb tee shot took one last bounce and trickled into the lake in front of the green. Meanwhile Ron with a shot on the hole was able to hit his third onto the green. Not to be outdone Adrian stripped to his necessaries and hit a shot out of the water near to the green.

Adrian Bell demonstrating his never-say-die attitude on the the 8th hole. His opponent Ron Hewson took the photo.
Adrian Bell demonstrating his never-say-die attitude on the the 8th hole. His opponent Ron Hewson took the photo.

Ron was able to still win the hole but this unbelievable shot seemed to rattle Ron and inspire Adrian.

Adrian hit his straps and started to play outstanding golf hitting every shot with precision leaving Ron with a lot to do just to match him. Eventually this pressure mounted to lost holes and Adrian was able to secure the 2014 title 3 and 2.

Congratulations to both these two fine gentlemen who played the match in the best spirit as fellow club members.  Both players also would like to thank Steve Rippon who acted as referee for the final.

To all our participants who took this opportunity to play this year, I hope you enjoyed the experience playing against members that you may not have had the pleasure of playing with previously and I hope you encourage others to take advantage in next year’s competition.

Dave Ransom

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