Club forges new link with Jamberoo Public School

Principal Pam Grosse, Jamberoo Public School’s sports captains and teacher Amber Farquhar-Nicol check out the course

JAMBEROO GOLF CLUB has made moves to more actively engage young people in the local area and has forged a new community association with Jamberoo Public School.

Initially, this will result this Friday March 19 in the club closing a section of the course to provide an inspiring and picturesque venue for the school’s annual Cross Country Championship.

This all came about when the club decided recently it should do more to proactively engage local youth and Board secretary Geoff Boxsell contacted the school to offer assistance.

As it turned out the school was looking for a cross country venue.

So as a result the first four holes of the course will now be closed to golfers between 9 am and 12 noon on Friday to provide an interesting and stimulating cross country venue for the children.

There will be minimal disruption to club members who will still be able to use the other 14 holes during this time.

Additionally, the school will now become involved in the Jack Newton Junior Golf Program aimed at introducing primary school children to golf. After preliminary training at the school, those wishing to pursue the sport will graduate to the golf course to further develop their skills.

Last week the school principal Pam Grosse, the teacher looking after both these projects Amber Farquhar-Nicol and the school’s six sports captains visited the course to check out the new venue.

The school staff, students and parents are apparently delighted to have such an excellent venue for their annual event after having to do with less than perfect options in the past.

Head Greenkeeper  John Duncan has done a great job mapping out an ideal and safe cross country route for the children taking in the first four holes.

“It was a fantastic offer and we are very flattered to have this opportunity,” Principal Grosse told Kiama Independent Sports Editor, David Hall, who was on hand to cover the event for the local paper.

In the past the likes of highly successful Jamberoo junior golfers Jarrod Buckley and Jordan Widdicombe have graduated from the Jamberoo Public School to the golf club and with events and co-operation such as this here’s hoping there will be many more.

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