News from the Club

Easter Bunnies spotted at Jamberoo!

A pair of sister bunnies were photographed near the putting green last Friday.

Tracey and Kelley Bunny shown wearing lovely Easter attire with matching socks.

Veterans News

Trevor Bell Memorial Shield.

Trevor Bell Memorial Shield competition for 2024 commences at The Grange on Monday 8 April.

Jamberoo Team for the first round will be:

Ron Chilby

Ken Holt

Warren Joannou

Craig Foster

Rob McLean

Peter Hackett

Peter Francis

Chris Leckey

Support for the opening round was very strong with a dozen people putting up their hand to be in the team. Unfortunately the team is limited to eight players so some have to miss out. There will be six more opportunities to represent Jamberoo Vets during the year.

The Grange will have a one tee start commencing at 8.00am. Players will be notified of their tee times as soon as I receive the starting times from The Grange.

Good Luck all!

Lance Frededricks

Changes to our Competition Software providers

The Club is about to go live with a new competition and member management software program.  It is understood that this software system will enable members to spend their trophy account funds over the bar, on competition fees, cart hire, in the shop, on their membership fees etc.
More infomation will be detailed to members in the upcoming weeks. Presently Staff and Directors are undergoing training with the new program. By all accounts it is a vast improvemnt on what we currently use.

This will mean, of course, that our current booking programme, OURGOLF, will cease operating and will be replaced by a new version from MiGolf.

April Programme of Events

4BBB with in conjunction individual stableford

For those not aware there is a extra $2 entry fee for these type of events as informed on the club document “2014 conditions of play and competition rules” which can be found by clicking

2014 Conditions of play and competition rules

Here is the relevant wording from page 5:

Four-ball Events: A small extra $2 fee will be charged forentry into any “in conjunction” fourball event.Where golfers are left without a partner in a Four-ball event,
they are to complete a single card in the format for the day –
stroke, stableford or par. The match committee will select all
single cards for the day and randomly combine them into
pairs for the competition of the day.
Please be careful also when booking in for Four-ball events.
Pairs will play in the groups as listed on the time sheet. Most
Fourball Stableford events will be run in conjunction with a
single stableford event and will be handicapped.”

page 5 – 2014 conditions of play and competition rules

This is to allow for a larger prize pool so that fair prizes can be awarded for both the fourball and the individual events. The whole $2 is allocated for the fourball prizes and separate ball comp.

I hope to see you on our beautiful course during April. It is a real treat to the eyes!

Dave Ransom

2 thoughts on “News from the Club

  1. Thanks David for information regarding 4BBB and the $2 extra for the competition.
    Could you explain for the benefit of some members the difference in the drive and pitch regarding the 8th and 11th holes for Saturday are woman eligible to compete in both.

    Pat Paris

    1. You are welcome Pat.
      The Mens drive and pitch is held on the 8th hole and the womens on the 11th. Women cannot win the 8th and men can’t win the 11th.

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