Volunteer Day this Friday

This Friday is Volunteer day.

Volunteers should come prepared for work on the gardens.

8.30 am start lunch provided at 12.

Womens Matchplay President vs Captain Day

by Judi O’Brien

Congratulations to the President’s team who beat the Captain’s team 7/6. It was a close call!

Balls go to all the President’s team:

Lyn Kuskey; Tracey Watson; Jenelle Anderson; MAfie Smith; Gail Rutledge; Margaret Cook; Sylvia Karschies; Leesa Swan; Lieve Stassen; Neen Coffee; Marie Farrant; Rose Sheath; Helen Wainwright.

Hopefully everyone enjoyed this game and learnt a few things about match play.

Good luck to all the pennant players next week for the start of pennants.

The Women’s Committee is asking for all members to vote for the number of players going out in Tuesday competitions: groups of 3 or 4. The ballot papers will be handed out over the next few weeks, so make sure you have your chance to vote on this subject. If you are unable to come on a Tuesday please let a committee person know and you will be given your chance to vote. A record is taken of people who have already voted.

Coming Events

19th March – Ovarian Cancer Charity Day – 3 Person Hartball – get your team organised and pay your $30 each to Gail

27th February – next Tuesday – February Monthly Medal (deferred game)

Good golfin’

Clean Fill Required

If you happen to know of any person needing to rid themselves of some clean fill then we are interested in taking it. Up to 100 tonnes!

Contact the club to arrange a chat with our greenkeeper.

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