News from the Course

Australia Day Competition

A competition will be held Friday with the winner receiving a special trophy celebrating Australia Day.

Memorial Day Ambrose – Saturday

The concept of our annual Memorial Day is for members to look back and contemplate on lost comrades and commemorate their input into our club.

This year we have a very full time sheet with most holes being used (sometimes more than once) in the shotgun start.

To keep play moving please decide which ball you are taking as you walk to your balls. No long discussions allowed over each ball.

When putting all 4 can putt but to save time if the first player misses then they are allowed to tap in instead of marking.

Remember it is an elimination Ambrose from the fairways or chiping.

Please arrive early and get in line. Be patient as it will be very busy at the start.

Listen for the hooter to commence. Those designated “A” may hitoff slightly early and be on the fairway ( or green) waiting for the hooter.

After the game a free sausage sizzle will be held so you are welcome to stay and enjoy a refreshment.

D Ransom, on behalf of Match Committee

Greens Meeting Report – January 2024

Greenkeeper’s Report/WHS

Rain: 201 mm for December (24 mm last year); total for 2023 was 1453 mm (3338 mm for 2022)

Wet Christmas and NY was good from NG’s perspective.

Neil is now F/T – going very well. Shaun is away on holidays.

Primo (to regulate growth) has been applied to most fairways. NG plans to apply this every year (including some rough areas). He will discuss costs with the treasurer.

Round up spraying has begun; some whipper snipping done.

Machinery: Small orange tractor in for repairs; quote is high; probably not worth repairing; we will need a replacement;

Focus is on mowing; with limited staff and grass growth; other projects have been postponed; turfing and tree pruning etc. will have to wait a bit.

Apprentices? NG: No interest yet, but a local lad has approached him seeking work.

Nick Goodger, Head Greenkeeper.

General Business

Some of the pins are loose and do not seem to fit in the cups properly. NG: This has been rectified.

Some greens are being invaded by kikuyu at the edges. NG: This will be dealt with, but not in summer. Some volunteers are pulling out the grass. NG: That’s okay but the removed grass should be disposed of well away from the greens.

NG’s thoughts on clearing of garbage bins? NG: Thanks to JO’B for helping to empty recycling bins in the compound, but this remains a problem. Help with bins near clubhouse is appreciated. NG is happy for volunteers to do recycling runs to Unanderra with the ute. Any help is welcome. NG: Sorting rubbish is a terrible job. BN agrees; NG wants to try two bins – general rubbish and recycling – on the first tee as a trial. Agreed. NG will order two such bins that mount to a ball washer.

IB’s wife Sharon is a knowledgeable and experienced gardener who is willing to help out with gardens. She will have a look at things with Bruce Mitchie.

NG: The garden behind the 2nd green should be a priority; he would like a lot removed and the garden moved back so that more can be grassed and mowed. Drainage also needs to be installed. PM: Champagne 9 will help. Agreed that this will be prioritised for volunteers (no volunteer day this month). NG: The garden in front of the 17th tee can also be attacked.

Note to members – Jamberoo has 4 courses used for competitions, Mens White and Blue, Womens White and Blue. For the Women’s courses Red tee makers are used. The course name does not determine the tee marker colour.

Red tee markers: NG wishes red markers to stay out all week to distribute the wear on the tees. JO’B wants red and white together; NG wants them to be somewhat separated. DR: If the separation is minimal (within two club lengths), it should not matter. Agreed that red tees will remain out, fairly close to the white tees (close to blue on monthly medal days). All women to play from these tees in comps including medley events.

NG: Machinery is aging (see above). He will discuss the issues with the John Deere agent and the treasurer. We need to spend money on buying or leasing; this is top priority.

D Ransom, relieving chairperson, greens committee

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