News from the Course – 23 January

Volunteers helping out.

report by D Ransom

Nick, chief greenkeeper, appreciates all of our volunteer helpers and in particular Gary Brickell, President Phil and Martin Coffee for helping out on the course for their work today.

Phil and Gary can be seen whipper-snipping Hyam’s Creek today, while Gary has found the direction sign to the third tee while cleaning out the garden behind the second.

The club appreciates all members, friends and family who have volunteered to look after gardens on the course. If you are interested and would like to assist then please place your name on the list on the noticeboard.

Thank you.

In further news, currently the greenstaff are replacing the old, often overgrown cement markers with stakes to clearly define the limits of the penalty areas.

This Sunday the course will return to “PLAY AS IT LIES” for competition play with no preferred lies allowed.

Course Update

L Kent, Captain

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