Some News from the Course

JGC Gardens 2024.

A January update

A great big thank you to all Members and friends who gave their time and energy in 2023 to the restoration of the gardens at JGC. A special thanks to Bruce and Chris for their stellar efforts on the gardens at the 9th and 10th tees, and to Bruce especially, for the massed plantings of bromeliads on the way to the 10th tee. This new garden has been created in response to a request to formalise the area as a garden. This will simplify rule interpretation for golf balls ending up here.

With efforts to tame the gardens around the course commencing in 2023, this year sees the reintroduction of an old initiative for the ongoing care of the gardens at the golf club. The ‘Adopt a Garden’ scheme is being restored and we are seeking Members to get involved.

Adopting a Garden involves commitment to an hour or two each week, throughout the year, to maintain a garden by weeding, mulching and light pruning. No specific garden skills are needed. Monthly working bees will help with any bigger tasks that need doing. Specific gardens can also be adopted by a group of friends, a family group, or a regular golfing group.

If you are interested in Adopting a Garden in 2024, please leave your name and contact details with Linda at the Office, or use the list placed on the noticeboard at the Club. Get in early to choose the garden you would like to adopt – some will be simpler to look after than others!


Women Veterans 4/1/2024. A Great start for the New Year.

22 Ladies played with five visitors enjoying their day with the Vets,
with four of them joining the Women Vets – 3 members from Wollongong
and one member from Jamberoo.
First Jenny Grey 32 points $30
Second Barbara Costello 31 $25
Third Kelley Greaves 31. $20
Balls to : 27points
Vanessa O’Brien 30
Pam Middlebrook 29
Tracey Watson 28
Rhonda McKinley, 28
Kerrie Michie 27
Congratulations to you all.

Thank you, Annette for your lovely slices, and to the Ladies who helped with lunch and clean up.
I really appreciate everyone’s help.

Regards, Lorraine

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