Wednesday Happenings

Great Opportunity to Assist your Club.

A great opportunity for members to help at the club.

It is becoming increasingly difficult for our starters on competition days to provide the service that we have become used to and some help would be appreciated. We are very busy on these days in particular.

Do you have a spare couple of hours on a Monday, Wednesday or Saturday morning to work alongside our starters?

It is a great way of meeting members and seeing how the club operates. The work doesn’t require excessive skills, just a friendly demeanour. All training will be given on how to operate bookings, eftpos and membership enquiries.

Volunteers receive out of pocket expenses per shift.

If you are interested, step up and come along and join our team. Contact Peter Young or any of our other dedicated starters or ring the Office.

It is a great way to help your club.

Bob loses his head!

Bob Neilson’s first shot on Wednesday split both the fairway and his four-iron. The head of the club went sailing 40 metres away. Could be time to use his super shot winnings on a new set?

A near miss on 13.

Ray Sheehan played a brilliant shot on the 13th during the Wednesday competition.

In a magnamimous gesture Ray did not enter the Super Shot preferring to let some other member take the prize. Dave Piccirillo was the worthy recipient with an excellent shot to 154 cm.

Meanwhile Wayne Griffiths started the new year with an amazing 44 points to easily win the Drummond Golf voucher beating Ray Sheehan who had 38 points. Ray deservedly earning some good karma after his fine shot on 13.

Other winners on the day were :

3rd:  Ron Hewson  37 pts  4th: Bob Neilson  36 pts 5th: George Goor  35 pts (c/b) 6th: Leesa Swan  35 pts (c/b)

NTP 3rd:  Al Thrower  890 cm 7th:  Bob Neilson  307 cm 9th:  Russell Reeves  160 cm

D&P 8th: Craig Foster  420 cm.

Bob seemed to do alright with his remaining clubs by the way!

I must say I was greatly impressed with the state of the greens, their surrounds and of the fairways today. All this achieved so soon after the public holidays and with the green staff down to two with Shaun away on annual leave. Nick also informed me on the course that he expects to have the rough under control by the weekend as well. Thanks to the Greens Staff for their dedication to have the course in such good condition despite all the disadvantages that they faced. I think we can all appeciate the efforts they are making so that we can enjoy our course.

Dave Ransom

A Thankyou to Members.

Bill Hodgson would like to acknowledge the many good wishes he received from members on the occasion of his 80th birthday. I quote Bill who said, “Its always been a pleasure to work in the golf shop and to play with such a terrific group of people. Thank you”.

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