Monday Vets Xmas Party and Hams Day

The largest Monday Vets field of the year celebrated Christmas with their fellow Vets today.

After a delightful sausage sizzle President Phil Hahn reported that a DA had been completed with Kiama Council and a grant application had been submitted on time with regard to the collapsed bank on the 16th hole and all the associated work required to remedy this issue. Good news indeed for Christmas.

Lance Fredericks began the official proceedings by congratulating the Trevor Bell Shield team on their strong performance in the season, narrowly coming second by only 3 points.

Lance then had the pleasure in annoucing the winner of the 2023 Barry Walker Shield.

This year our recipient was George Goor. Congratulations George on scoring the most number of stableford points of all the vets over the whole season. George was very humble and thankful in accepting the award proclaiming that he thanked everybody for scoring less points in total than himself!

As for the day’s competition scoring was excellent in both divisions with countbacks required to see who got the Hams in division 2.

Todays winners were:

Division 1: 1st, Ian Lewis, with 39 points; 2nd, Bruce Byers with 38 points; and third, Bob Neilson with 36 points on a countback (club voucher)

Division 2: 1st, William Perry with 41 points; 2nd, Dave Newton with 38 points on a countback; 3rd, Mick Farmillo with 38 points on a coutback (club voucher).

Other Results:

NTP 3rd:  I Lewis  374 cm    7th:   G Wells  48 cm   9th:    K Holt  152 cm

D&P 8th:   P Francis  98 cm

Women’s D&P 11th:  G Rutledge  59 cm

Supershot 13th:    S Clough (Lismore GC)  280 cm

Balls to:   33 pts

Full Results

In an added bonus many prizes, including bottles of wine, a bottle of scotch, chocolates and tins of biscuits were awarded as raffle prizes.

In an outstanding gesture William Perry decided to donate his Ham back as the final prize in the raffle. Alan Jones was the lucky and grateful recipient.

A big thank you goes to Lance, John “Kris” Pringle and Robyn on the cooking and the beautifully wrapped bread rolls, to Marie on her dedication in entering all the scores and preparing the scorecards, tee sheet and winner reports, to our starter Peter Young on managing to successfully organise the busy start of the day, to Rod Hodkinson in his role as membership co-ordinator and to all our Vet members for your support throughout the year.

We hope you have a Merry Christmas and a healthy, fullfilling and happy new year.

Hoping to see you on the greens in 2024.

Dave Ransom

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