Monday Vets Xmas BBQ

2023 Xmas BBQ

The annual Vets Xmas Comp and Party will be conducted on December 18. It will be a shotgun start, meeting at 7.30 for a 8 am hit-off.  

The XMAS BBQ comp fee for Jamberoo Vet Members will be $10.00, Visitors $16.00 with 1/2 Hams as prizes for the divisional winners and all invited to a free BBQ.

The winner of the Barry Walker Shield will also be announced.

Raffles will be run as well on the day with bottles of wine and boxes of chocolates as prizes.

2024 and the Future

The Vets Committee and the Jamberoo Golf Club Board of Directors believe that the strength of our Veterans days is with members enjoying competition and fellowship with friends and fellow vets on our beautiful course with its country village atmosphere. We would like to encourage all veteran members to enjoy as many rounds as possible and share in the benefits of Monday Veteran Golf.

Membership of the Vets is just $10 additional to your annual subscription.

Consequently, in 2024 competition fees will remain at the current level.

There will be at least 3 shotgun starts held in 2024 with free BBQs with $10.00 entries into the comps for Jamberoo Vet members and $16.00 for visitors.

Merry Christmas and cheers for a happy and fulfilling new year.

Dave Ransom

Tee Arrangements as at 5pm Saturday 16th

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