Jamberoo’s llama loving Spanish import off to a flyer

Llama fancier Tony Rodriguez after his win at Sussex Inlet

WHO KNEW Jamberoo White Horse Cup Team No 1 Tony Rodriguez was such an animal lover.

The Spanish import was so excited to discover there was a llama farm next to the Sussex Inlet Golf Course it helped him get off to a flyer against his Port Kembla opponent on Sunday.

Obviously inspired by the llamas leaning over the golf club car park fence when he arrived, Tony was leading 5 up early in his match before flagging a little to finally win 3 & 2.

Tony explained to his riveted team mates he had had a long fascination with llamas ever since a community member brought one back from the Andes to take part in some sort of cultural activity at his 18th birthday party.

Unfortunately,  not all his White Horse team mates were so inspired, with Brad Jackson (4 & 3) the only other player to record a win.

It was Tony’s second win on the trot, so the secret can’t just be the llamas.

Team captain Darryl Campbell was also happy with Brad’s performance, pointing out he had halved all his matches to date and deserved his win.

Losses to Steve Robertson, Steve Jackson, Brian O’Hare, Errol Stubbs and Kim Murphy meant the team went down 5 to 2.

C Pennants struggle in the Gerringong hills

The Jamberoo C Pennant team will face an up hill battle to reach another district final after struggling to a draw at Gerringong.

Team Captain Dave Ransom reports:

Round 3 vs Gerringong at Gerringong.

“We knew it would be difficult and so it proved to be.

Good wins were recorded by Chris  (The Hat) Leckey, who this week wore the appropriate head wear to have a big win, 7/6, at number 7. This is the first time Chris has played so low in the order and showed his class to win his match easily. Maybe next week we will put him back up the order.

Tony McRae played very solidly to win his match 3/1 at number 5, making his usual back nine comeback while telling several bad jokes. Tom Zimmerman showed amazing resilience to win the last hole and square his match at number 2, surviving the old putt out of the bunker trick by his opponent at the 17th.

Tom was 3 down late in his game and it was a great performance to square his match.

T2 was lucky enough to win his match 2/1, in his season debut, playing against the local greenkeeper. This was despite several duffed chips every time Phil Lewis was watching.

Thanks Phil for your support of the team. Perhaps you could look the other way when I am near the green!

Strong, but unsuccessful, performances were recorded by Steve, (T1) Oppert who ran into an opponent on fire at number one,

Warwick (Pup) Miller and Peter ( BP) Francis.

The local knowledge certainly helped their opposition and hindered our efforts.

Good to see Mr Cricket (Col Booth) at the game freely giving out encouraging words and massages!

The match ended in a draw, 3.5 games to 3.5. What’s worse is that our main rivals, Vincentia, managed to again have a resounding 6 – 1 win against their opposition to open up a 1 point and 4 winning game lead over us.

The pennant may sadly be gone. However let’s be positive and try and finish our season undefeated next week against Kiama, in the highly anticipated Town vs Country challenge to be held at Nowra.

Hope to see you there. (9.15 hit off)”

Dave (T2) Ransom.

B Pennants floundering

The B Pennant squad had a bye this week but were still smarting after being beaten 6/1 by Shellharbour at Worrigee Links last week.

Tony Panecasio was the only winner but a number of the other matches went down to the wire.

Maybe the return of co-captain Ken Baker from New Zealand will help turn things around on Sunday when the B’s play Shoalhaven Heads at Shoalhaven Heads.

It was hoped Ken was in the Land of the Long White Cloud honing his golfing skills but the exclusive picture below casts series doubt on the focus of his activities.

Ken Baker – badly under-clubbed for the Kiwi whiting

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