Latest News from Jamberoo GC

Volunteer Working Bee – Friday 27 October2023.

As advised in the Daily Cow recently our regular monthly Volunteer Working Bee will be held on Friday 27 October 2023 (last Friday of each month).

Liz Armstrong Garden Co-ordinator will be away as will Pam Middlebrook so we are not planning to undertake much on the garden front and have not ordered a skip bin.

As everyone is probably aware we have a significantly reduced greens staff following a number of departures over recent months, and we have deliberately held off hiring replacements as a budget repair mechanism following two tough financial years in a row (Covid and floods).

Accordingly, the plan for this Friday is to provide some assistance to Nick and his greens staff by undertaking slashing along Hyams Creek and giving the hazard markers a paint refresh.

Additionally, we would like to continue with painting of the club house.

We will have suitable jobs for all levels of physical capacity, so come along and get involved in the long tradition of volunteering at Jamberoo Golf Club.  Feel free to bring your partner along even if he or she is not a golfer.

If you have a brush cutter or whipper snipper and are willing to assist with the Hyams Creek long grass project please bring it along with spare cutting chord and fuel/batteries. 

We will start work at 8:30 and finish at 12:00 for a sausage sizzle lunch.

Please register your intent to attend with the golf shop by Wednesday 25/10/23 so that we can ensure we have enough lunch to go around.

Monday Veterans next week and the Trevor Bell Shield.

The Veterans Committee think it important that the Trevor Bell Shield players get a chance to share in the camraderie and enjoyment of the special after golf bbq days and will miss the opportunity this Monday because of the playing of the final round at The Grange, where hopefully they can pull off a great win.

The projected warm day on Monday leads the VC to continue with the planned shotgun start with its earlier start but will save the BBQ till the Xmas function day on December 18 where all will be present and available. The format of the day will change to a single stableford and the entry fee will be $16 as usual. The last of the 2023 $10 entries will be held in the December event.

Good luck to our TBS players next Monday. You have the support of all Jamberoo Vets.

At Jamberoo we will still have our shotgun start but there will be no BBQ. You are still most welcome to stay and share a few drinks after the game with your Vets mates.

Hope to see you there.

4 thoughts on “Latest News from Jamberoo GC

  1. Most disappointing for the camaraderie and enjoyment of the special after golf bbq days. Program for 2023 showed 3x bbq days and 1 x Christmas bbq day. Now there are only 3 bbq days for the year. What day has been cancelled a bbq day or the christmas bbq.

    1. Thank you for your comment Dave. The day is still there on Monday just with no bbq and something special was being planned for Xmas. Perhaps you could become involved in the planning and running of the day?

  2. I find it a little insulting for Jamberoo Golf not replacing green staff that have resigned to proudly state it’s a budget repair strategy! Jamberoo Golf club have a duty of care to ensure that their staff are provided a working environment where they have the resources and support to carry out their duties safely and efficiently! Jamberoo Golf staff should been seen as a valuable asset in building and maintaining our most valuable asset the golf course! I would think a more progressive budget repair methods are available! Increasing the golf field size being the one that would come to mind? How could Jamberoo Golf achieve this? Replace our valued green staff and provide them with the support they should have! Budget repair is a board responsibility!

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