Individual Matchplay terms and conditions

2023 Individual Matchplay Championship

Conditions of Play

  1. This event is handicap matchplay open to all Jamberoo Golf Club members with a current GA handicap.
  2. Cost of entry is $9 – payable before your first match.
  3. All matches will be played with the benefit of full handicap difference using the balanced handicap distribution method.
  4. Players will remain on the same Tournament Handicap as they started their first match except if they reduce their handicaps during the course of the competition in which case, they shall play off that reduced handicap for the remainder of the competition.
  5. Tournament Handicaps are calculated using your GA handicap from the blue course. A list of all starting handicaps will be posted with the draw and in the link below.
  6. All play will be from the blue tees or markers. 
  7. Women will play a par 67 course from the white (or red) tees. Their GA handicap from the blue tees has been used to calculate their tournament handicap with the addition of 4 extra shots to compensate for the lower par.
  8. Matches should be arranged at a mutually agreeable time. Contact the starter to obtain contact details of your opponent. Be aware of regular competitions and the Ladies Championships which are played in June.
  9. Please communicate the result of your match to the starter at the conclusion of your match.
  10. Please adhere to cut-off dates for each round.

D Ransom, Captain JGC.

Matchplay draw

Balanced handicapped distribution method

Matchplay Starting Handicaps

2 thoughts on “Individual Matchplay terms and conditions

  1. Match play

    Didn’t realise that women were able to participate in this match play competition. In previous years it was or appeared to be exclusively for men. I’ve spoken to several female members who were also unaware. Were our female members advised that they were eligible? I don’t recall any announcements being made.

  2. This is a new concept Kim and in line with the policies of GolfNSW regarding gender equity. I think we are the only club in NSW that allows members of either gender to play in such an event. Certainly in the past there have been separate male and female events.

    This change follows along with the suite of changes I am endeavouring to bring to Jamberoo regarding gender equity. I have also developed a new par 67 Women’s Ambrose course so that males and females can play on an equal footing in these mixed events.

    I am extremely busy at the moment and perhaps should have given more notice but it is a start at least.

    I suggest you read the Daily Cow articles written on 12/5 and 13/5. Certainly Liz reads it and knew as she asked to qualify and did so.

    Best regards,


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