Qualifying Round Club Matchplay

The qualifying round of the 2023 club individual matchplay will be held tomorrow. The purpose of the round is to seed the players into order. The largest number of stableford points scored in the competition will receive the number 1 seeding and so on.

There will be no additional charge for this round but please inform the starter of your intention to qualify. The starter will then place a large Q on your scorecard. If you change your mind during the round and wish to qualify then place a Q on top of your scorecard.

The matchplay will run from June to August and is generally played out of regular comp times. Entries are open to members of either gender with women playing off a new special par 67 course.

If you are not playing tomorrow but wish to qualify then please contact the club this week so that your name can be added to the bottom of the list.

Best of luck.

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