News from the Course

Anzac Day at the Club.

This is Tracey Watson showing her “Respect” on the tee, Anzac Day!

Donning her grandmother’s homemade poppy, and, as a homage to the late Barry Humphries, a special pair of glasses!

Our women players (and 2 men), after their difficult golf rounds, joined in the traditional ‘raising of the glass’ in remembrance of those who have fallen.

Lest We Forget.

Women’s Pennant Results

The Silver & Bronze teams are ploughing their way through their pennant competitions.

The Silver team won 4 ½ to ½ 

Jenelle Anderson won 1 up

Lyn Kuskey won 3/1

Jenney Grey won 5/4

Margaret Cook won 6/4

Gail Rutledge squared

The Silver team is coming equal 1st 

The Bronze team won 2 ½ to ½ 

Lidia Waine squared

Sue Paul won 4/3

3rd player won on forfeit

The Bronze team is coming second.

Well done to all players – keep up the great work


Women Vets

Hi all, 

Just a reminder that the Womens’ vets day on 4/5/23 is a 3 person Ambrose. 
Let’s hope the weather is kind to us!



Great shot played on the 13th today

Bob Neilson played a wonderful shot on the 13th today to almost record an ace, finishing 1 cm from the hole. No fancy cap, bottle of wine nor Honour Board listing. What a difference a centimetre makes!

Still, I suppose Bob will just have to be content with the ‘supershot’ cash!

Well played Bob.

2 person Ambrose this Saturday

Rules for a 2 Person AMBROSE COMPETITION

Handicap: 1/4 combined handicaps (Show individual handicaps on card)
Both players are to tee off on all holes and play all shots.
Select the best ball to play and mark its position. Decide as you walk to the balls which ball to play so as to keep play flowing. Both players will play from this spot. Both players place their ball within one club length (10cm on Putting Green) of the selected ball (or mark) and play their next shot. If the position of the selected ball is in the rough, a sand bunker or a penalty area then the both players balls must be placed and played from the rough or same penalty area or sand bunker. This process continues until the team has completed the hole.
Six tee shots from each team member must be used and shown on the scorecard.
The scorecard must be signed by one team member as player and by the marker.

If you are in a group of 3 then the third person plays stableford and marks your card.

Male Veterans Championship next Monday

If you have played 3 or more Veteran events since last May then you are elligible to contest the Veterans Championship. A stroke round will determine the Veterans Champion and the nett Champion. As this is a championship all players must complete each hole. There is no 9 shot limit.

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